Your perso­nal roadmap to business acquisition

  • We specia­li­se in assis­ting medium-sized compa­nies in all aspects of corpo­ra­te succes­si­on and M&A.
  • We maximi­se the proba­bi­li­ty of success in corpo­ra­te transac­tions with our know-how.
  • KERN has a profes­sio­nal team of over 25 specia­lists in its partner circle with their own, opera­tio­nal and entre­pre­neu­ri­al experience.
  • We maintain over 6,000 ongoing contacts with prospec­ti­ve buyers in our own databa­se of invest­ment compa­nies, finan­cial inves­tors, VC compa­nies (venture capital), MBI ? candi­da­tes (indivi­du­al buyers), banks and strate­gic investors.
  • Natio­nal­ly and inter­na­tio­nal­ly, we are connec­ted to the most renow­ned networks for the purcha­se and sale of compa­nies. Behind this are a good 300,000 contacts to inves­tors for your successful compa­ny sale.
Siegel Beste Berater für Unternehmensnachfolge
Siegel Top Unternehmensnachfolge Beratung
Beste Berater - Auszeichnung SZ Institut
German Customer-Awards 2024
  • Ein Staffelläufer steht in seinem Startblock und wartet auf das Startsignal

    In the DACH region, over 50% of family businesses in all three count­ries are now heading towards business succession

    (Source DIHK Study 2018, IFM-Bonn and KERN Succes­si­on Study 2017 + 2020).

    The pace of ageing of owners and share­hol­ders is incre­asing so rapidly,

    that a good 60% will alrea­dy be reached in 2022.

    The market situa­ti­on for M&A: With the retire­ment of the baby boomers, there is a drama­tic slump in demogra­phic succes­si­on. There is not only a lack of employees at all levels, but also of founders and succes­sors as compa­ny leaders.

    And the econo­mic clima­te is becoming harsher and tends to be more unplea­sant. Gradu­al­ly, but visibly.

    Ideal frame­work condi­ti­ons for every compa­ny buyer, whether you want to become invol­ved as an MBI/MBO in the future as an entre­pre­neur, are looking for targe­ted invest­ments as a finan­cial inves­tor or want to grow inorga­ni­cal­ly as a strate­gic inves­tor. Or conscious­ly want to expand your employee potential.

    If not now, when?

    The right time
  • Unternehmer fassen sich an den Händen und bereiten sich für ein Projekt vor

    Your planned compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on requi­res the highest level of profes­sio­na­lism and discre­ti­on at the same time. Trust the State­ments from our custo­mers or have a look at one of our Natio­nal coope­ra­ti­on an. Upon request, we will be happy to name speci­fic contact persons who can give you a perso­nal state­ment on our perfor­mance. Check our values for cooperation.

    Referen­ces for your safety
  • Zoom-Ansicht eines Mitarbeiters während der Arbeit am Laptop

    You explain and outline your desired compa­ny to us. The indus­try, the specia­li­ties, the size, the business model and the possi­ble region as well as the frame­work of your invest­ment volume. Regard­less of whether you are an MBI and an indivi­du­al looking at the Dream as a future entre­pre­neur want to fulfil. Want to grow inorga­ni­cal­ly as a strate­gic inves­tor or are looking for interes­t­ing options as a finan­cial inves­tor. If you wish, we can check possi­ble subsi­dies for your project through experts.. The funding landscape changes every year and varies from state to state. The natio­nal diffe­ren­ces between Germa­ny, Austria and Switz­er­land must also be taken into account.

    The start of our cooperation
  • Ein Mann steht an einer Weggabelung mit der Aufschrift: Alter Weg - Neuer Weg

    As an option to the start of a compre­hen­si­ve search and invest­ment process, we also offer you perso­nal coaching for your planned purcha­se. In one day, you will work with us to develop your search profi­le and optimi­se your self-presen­ta­ti­on to poten­ti­al sellers. KERN has its own Online assess­ment for future entre­pre­neurs develo­ped. With this Poten­ti­al analy­sis you will find your most important fields of develo­p­ment and can choose your life’s decis­i­on for a future in entre­pre­neur­ship in a secure way.

    We explain to you in detail the entire process of a transac­tion and are your sparring partner in the context of a possi­ble takeover as a previous employee of a compa­ny. We discuss with you the struc­tu­re of a business plan and the possi­bi­li­ties of purcha­se price finan­cing. The content of this day will be discus­sed with you before­hand and will be geared in detail to your needs. Only then will you decide on further steps and the basic cooperation.

  • Ein Mann im Anzug schaut durch ein Fernglas

    We get a pictu­re of the sector you are interes­ted in, the condi­ti­ons in the market as well as the current market develo­p­ment in connec­tion with the possi­ble target groups of the proper­ties for sale.

  • Das Entscheider Seminar zur persönlichen Vorbereitung einer Unternehmensnachfolge

    As far as known, you provi­de us with the insider infor­ma­ti­on about the indus­try and the market that you consider neces­sa­ry for the proper­ty search. We supple­ment this infor­ma­ti­on from our large natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal network. With our deep connec­tions in the inves­tor and banking environ­ment (more than 300,000 concre­te and current buyer profiles), we are able to probe the indus­try in a targe­ted manner and compa­re the infor­ma­ti­on with you.


  • Mindmap zu Strategie mit Planung, Kompetenz, Weitsicht, Zielen, Finanzen uvm.

    With the search profi­le and market knowledge, we match which strategy promi­ses the best results for your goals. Do we use our natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal networks, stock exchan­ges, bank distri­bu­tors etc. and go to the market in general? Or do we work out a very indivi­du­al list for you (called “long-list”) and then conden­se it (called “short-list”) to the compa­nies to be contacted.

  • Ein Mann hält sich ein Blatt Papier mit einem Fragezeichen darauf vors Gesicht

    For a serious and binding approach to possi­ble purcha­se objects, we create a neutral inves­tor profi­le with you. You remain anony­mous as an inves­tor and at the same time the poten­ti­al seller and trans­fer­or of a compa­ny learns more details about you as an inves­tor. This creates trust and helps to deepen the relati­onship in your interest. We will discuss with you in advan­ce whether and when we may disclo­se your identity.

    Addres­sing the target group
  • Grafik von 7 schwarzen Männchen mit einem orangenen Männchen in der Mitte

    As the leading consul­ting brand for business succes­si­on and an incom­pa­ra­b­ly large M&A network (natio­nal­ly and inter­na­tio­nal­ly with a good 300,000 concre­te profiles), we exami­ne all relevant purcha­se offers for you in this step.

    We conduct inter­views with poten­ti­al sellers of compa­nies or invest­ments and thus sound out the best and most interes­t­ing offers for you. You will be infor­med about all contacts and recei­ve a short memoran­dum on the invest­ment offers.

    Identi­fi­ca­ti­on and testing
  • Herausforderungen für Unternehmensnachfolgen wachsen

    Depen­ding on the proce­du­re or speci­fi­ca­ti­ons of the seller, we exami­ne the offered compa­ny together with you. We analy­se a possi­ble offer exposé, questi­on a compa­ny valua­ti­on or purcha­se price demand. We prepa­re you for meetings with the sellers and, if desired, modera­te the first meeting. In this phase there are a varie­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties for in-depth exchan­ge and with our experi­ence we ensure that you feel compe­tent­ly accom­pa­nied at every moment of this exami­na­ti­on phase.

  • Geschäftsleute an einem Tisch halten Puzzleteile aus weißem Papier zueinander

    In the course of an invest­ment process (due to the immense varie­ty of possi­ble strate­gies and options, we will only descri­be the further proce­du­re in general terms at this point), it is now neces­sa­ry to check which offer you want to exami­ne in depth and which offer should be bindin­gly secured by a preli­mi­na­ry contract (letter of intent / LoI). Depen­ding on the number of offers and the dynamics on the seller’s side, this step can quick­ly take weeks or months. The LoI (Letter of Intent) is not strict­ly legal­ly binding but commits both sides to a common clari­ty in the inten­ded transac­tion. At this point, both sides are commit­ted to negotia­ting the subse­quent frame­work condi­ti­ons of a purcha­se agreement.

  • Eine Hand hakt Punkte einer Liste mit Häkchen ab

    We recom­mend negotia­ting the Letter of Intent / LoI in detail and thus estab­li­shing joint clari­ty for the subse­quent purcha­se contract. This helps to prevent misun­derstan­dings and to make the process safer on the decisi­ve metres.


    The follo­wing is an excerpt of the possi­ble compon­ents: Designa­ti­on of the contrac­ting parties (incl. the possi­ble compa­ny form), expres­si­on of interest in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the designa­ted transac­tion, summa­ry of previous discus­sion results, concre­ti­sa­ti­on of the transac­tion project (what will be sold and how), price defini­ti­on (if appli­ca­ble, plus perfor­mance-related provi­si­ons, consul­tancy or employ­ment contracts and remune­ra­ti­on), concre­te timeta­ble (preli­mi­na­ry DD, imple­men­ta­ti­on DD, contract discus­sion, takeover/transfer), granting of power of attor­ney in favour of a party exami­ning the object of purcha­se (e.g. within the scope of a due diligence), presen­ta­ti­on of the finan­cing struc­tu­re of the buyer (bank confir­ma­ti­ons, inves­tor presen­ta­ti­on, etc.), time limits, condi­ti­ons, reser­va­tions, condi­ti­ons of use, condi­ti­ons for the purcha­se of the object of purcha­se (e.g. within the scope of a due diligence). (e.g. due diligence), presen­ta­ti­on of the buyer’s finan­cing struc­tu­re (bank confir­ma­ti­ons, inves­tor presen­ta­ti­on, etc.), time limits, condi­ti­ons and reser­va­tions, confi­den­tia­li­ty obliga­ti­on with regard to the infor­ma­ti­on recei­ved, defini­ti­on of excep­ti­ons, sanctions in the event of non-compli­ance (contrac­tu­al penal­ty), claim for surren­der or destruc­tion of documents recei­ved, reference to the lack of binding effect of the LoI, reasons for termi­na­ti­on of the ongoing negotia­ti­ons and arran­ge­ments for reimbur­se­ment of expenses.

  • Bild eines blauen Aktenorders mit der Aufschrift "Due Diligence"

    To ensure that you actual­ly recei­ve what a seller has promi­sed you, due diligence usual­ly follows an LoI. Due diligence, abbre­via­ted to “dd”, careful­ly exami­nes and analy­ses the econo­mic, tax, legal and finan­cial circum­s­tances of a purcha­se project.

    There are diffe­rent types of dd, the details of which we will be happy to discuss with you and prepa­re you profes­sio­nal­ly. Usual­ly, the buyer gives the seller a list of all relevant issues in advan­ce. These documents must then be presen­ted in analo­gue or virtu­al form for inspec­tion and exami­na­ti­on. Of course, we are prepared for these questi­on­n­aires and select the correct and relevant exami­na­ti­on questi­ons with you in advance.


    In this step of the process, exter­nal experts from the fields of law and taxati­on are integra­ted for your securi­ty, so that a maximum of relia­bi­li­ty can be created for you for the upcoming transac­tion. Within the frame­work of the dd, there may be a number of detail­ed questi­ons that only arise from the review of the documents in the various areas. All proce­du­res are recor­ded and ideal­ly later also become part of the purcha­se contract. This way, both sides have verifia­ble documents as evidence in case of an eventuality.

  • Hundert und Fünfhundert Euroscheine mit Münzen auf einem Tisch

    In the course of a dd, new aspects someti­mes arise in the risk assess­ment of the business model. Detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on emerges that you as a buyer may assess more criti­cal­ly than you were previous­ly able to on the basis of an exposé or the discus­sions. This can then be an important and justi­fied reason to reassess the previous­ly negotia­ted purcha­se price in the LoI. We are always at your side during these deman­ding and very important discus­sions and take over the modera­ti­on and also criti­cal questi­ons for the final evalua­ti­on of the invest­ment in questi­on. You always remain in a “good” relati­onship with the seller and trans­fer­or. In terms of a tacti­cal, clever approach, this is a point that should not be negle­c­ted and ensures the achie­ve­ment of your goal.

  • "Unser Experten Service" Schriftzug in weiß und gelb auf grünem Untergrund

    At the latest with the clari­ty of an LoI, we begin to discuss the finan­cing struc­tu­re of the negotia­ted frame­work condi­ti­ons with possi­ble finan­cial partners in paral­lel. Whether banks, savings banks or finan­cial inves­tors. There are plenty of finan­cing options for the acqui­si­ti­on of your dream compa­ny, inclu­ding attrac­ti­ve subsi­dies from public banks. We support you not only with our excel­lent network to all relevant banks and savings banks, but we also accom­pa­ny you in the prepa­ra­ti­on of the neces­sa­ry documents and the compi­la­ti­on of a business plan.

    We also support poten­ti­al discus­sions with finan­cing partners to present your planned transac­tion. Thanks to our many years of exper­ti­se in the M&A market and a good reputa­ti­on as a leading consul­ting brand for business succes­si­on, perso­nal contacts and arguments someti­mes come into play convincingly.

  • Darstellung verschiedener Apps als Hologramm mit Hand die auf eine der Apps zeigt

    At this point and among the many possi­ble process steps descri­bed above, we would like to empha­sise one parti­cu­lar feature:

    You are always the decis­i­on-maker in all the steps in which we accom­pa­ny and support you! This is not only important for the sake of a stable relati­onship of trust, but especi­al­ly for your safety.

    This way you know exact­ly what, when, how and where to do at which point or which questi­ons and decis­i­ons are coming up.

  • Berater mit einer Kundin bei der Vertragsunterzeichnung

    You are now close to the goal: The final purcha­se agree­ment is drawn up and negotia­ted on the basis of the alrea­dy signed LoI. It is possi­ble that findings from the due diligence process will also be included.

    In the purcha­se contract it is now important to pay atten­ti­on to detail. We recom­mend that you choose one of our experi­en­ced regio­nal legal experts (often with a high level of tax exper­ti­se) and then draft the first draft together. We express­ly advise you to have the draft drawn up by you as the inves­tor, as it will then be easier to address your most important concerns in terms of content and drafting. This draft will then be the basis for the final negotia­ti­ons with the seller. As is so often the case, the devil is in the detail when it comes to such a compre­hen­si­ve set of contracts. Depen­ding on the type of compa­ny, a notary is manda­to­ry or can be chosen.

    Our urgent recom­men­da­ti­on: Never do such transac­tions verbal­ly and never without profes­sio­nal help from experi­en­ced (!) M&A advisors.


    The final - short­ly before the finish
  • Ein Senior-Unternehmer mit seinem Nachfolger

    If desired, we will accom­pa­ny you during the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the payment and hando­ver. In the case of perfor­mance-based purcha­se price shares, further payments may extend over future years and depend, for examp­le, on certain target parame­ters. Should misun­derstan­dings or even dispu­tes with the former seller arise in the process, we support and accom­pa­ny you with our experi­ence as business media­tors and conflict moderators.

  • Mitarbeiter sitzen in einem Stuhlkreis zusammen und beraten sich

    The real work is only begin­ning now ?

    You want to align your new compa­ny with the new future in terms of organi­sa­ti­on and together with the employees or, for examp­le, imple­ment an integra­ti­on with your existing compa­ny. This requi­res a lot of time and tact for an optimal result. If you wish, we will also remain at your side in this task. As a trusted sparring partner at eye level for perso­nal exchan­ge. Or as coaches (also exten­ded by experi­en­ced network partners who are at home in the areas of syner­gy, change manage­ment, corpo­ra­te missi­on state­ment, etc.) to facili­ta­te the process of integra­ti­on or realignment and to achie­ve it in a goal-orien­ted manner.

  • You have successful­ly achie­ved your goal ? The takeover of your dream compa­ny or a share­hol­ding is now imple­men­ted and a reality.

    You have created an important value compo­nent of your assets for your future and will now drive the develo­p­ment forward.

    You have succee­ded in meeting a weigh­ty chall­enge in your entre­pre­neu­ri­al life with this transaction.


Why now?Enthu­si­a­stic custo­mersThe analy­sisInvest­ment CoachingMarket reviewInsider knowledgeBuying strategyAnony­mous inves­tor profi­leMarket sound­ingEstab­lish connec­tionThe preli­mi­na­ry contract - LoIContents of a LoISo let him who commits himself for everFinal price negotia­ti­onNo moss - no actionYou decide. Always.The purcha­se contractSecuri­ty even after the purcha­seIntegra­ti­on and implementation

Basic webinar: Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on (M&A) - self-employ­ment or strategy for growth

You will learn how and where to find the best trans­fer­ors of businesses. You will learn how to elimi­na­te the 7 most expen­si­ve mista­kes and why subsi­dies help to finan­ce the purcha­se price.