Familieninterne Nachfolge verliert weiter an Bedeutung

Family-inter­nal business succes­si­on conti­nues to lose importance

A Current survey by KfW Research of more than 10,000 SMEs showed that only 44% of the owners still consider conti­nuing within the family. 50% can imagi­ne selling to exter­nal interes­ted parties. Or, alter­na­tively, in 34 % of the cases they are thinking about selling to employees. Thus, succes­si­on within the family is becoming less and less important. 

Accor­ding to the findings of the Mittel­stand Panel, hot off the press of the state promo­tio­nal bank KfW, SMEs in Germa­ny are incre­asing­ly losing are incre­asing­ly shying away from selling their compa­ny to exter­nal buyers. 

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

Accor­ding to the panel, 152,000 owners of small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses current­ly intend to hand over the business to a succes­sor within the next two years. 

The demogra­phic development 

A look at the demogra­phic develo­p­ment shows that the topic is becoming incre­asing­ly important. Alrea­dy, more than 1.5 milli­on owners of medium-sized compa­nies are 55 years and older (44 percent). At the same time, the share of compa­ny owners under 40 years of age has halved since 2002 from 28 to current­ly 14 percent.

Specia­lists for family-inter­nal compa­ny succession 

Good that we have KERN - Compa­ny succes­si­on. More successful. gives. We are specia­lists in support­ing all variants of compa­ny succes­si­on, whether within the family, trans­fer to employees or sale to a third party. We know the sensi­ble proce­du­re and ensure that the conti­nua­tion of the compa­ny is regula­ted and secured at the end of our advice and support. This result also allows the trans­fer­or to let go and enjoy the freedom they did not have during the active entre­pre­neu­ri­al phase. 

We make compa­ny succes­si­ons more successful!

Click here for the current survey by KfW Research.

Image: Fotolia.de

TIPS for further reading: 

Selling construc­tion compa­nies - is it worth it in the construc­tion boom?

5 important trends in business succes­si­on in 2019

Selling a compa­ny - “How do I tell my employees”?

Compa­ny value calcu­la­tor deter­mi­nes compa­ny value