Compa­ny Exposé

An exposé for the sale of a business conta­ins, depen­ding on the indus­try and focus, infor­ma­ti­on about:

An exposé ? also Infor­ma­ti­on Memoran­dum called ? is an important document in order to Infor­ma­ti­on important for the initi­al assess­ment by a prospec­ti­ve buyer about your compa­ny in an attrac­ti­ve setting. In additi­on to infor­ma­ti­on about the business model and products or services, you will also find Infor­ma­ti­on on histo­ry, staff, organi­sa­ti­on and, of course, finances.

Compa­ny sale procedure

Selling a business can be a complex and lengthy process invol­ving many steps. Read a brief overview of the process here:

Übersicht Ablauf Firmenverkauf
Step 1

Prepa­ra­ti­on for the sale

The first step in the sale of a compa­ny is the Prepa­ra­ti­on for the sale. This includes, for examp­le, the compa­ny valua­ti­on and the deter­mi­na­ti­on of an appro­pria­te asking price. The compa­ny exposé also falls into this phase. The most important questi­on: What do you want to sell, how and when?

Step 2

Find buyers

Once the business is ready for sale, the next step is to find a buyer. This can be done via a M&A advice, an online business exchan­ge or through lengthy refer­rals happen.

Step 3

Define details of the sale

Once a buyer is found, the seller and buyer work on the details of the sale, inclu­ding the Negotia­ting a purcha­se price, agree­ing payment terms and the important Due Diligence Examination.

Step 4

Draw up purcha­se contract

Once the sale is agreed, the buyer and the seller must draw up a contract of sale. This should contain details of the price, the Terms of payment, guaran­tees and other important infor­ma­ti­on contain.

Step 5

Trans­fer of ownership

The final step of the process is the closing of the sale. This includes the Trans­fer of owner­ship in the compa­ny and its assets to the purcha­ser, the payment of the purcha­se price as well as all Condi­ti­ons attached to the purcha­se and the Regis­tra­ti­on of the new shareholders/owners with the compe­tent authority.

These 5 buyer types exist in business succession

If you would like to learn more about the purcha­sing process, we recom­mend our webinar:

First the confi­den­tia­li­ty agree­ment, then the exposé

The exposé is sent to selec­ted and pre-scree­ned interes­ted parties. only after signing a confi­den­tia­li­ty agree­ment (NDA) made available to you. As the seller, you always decide on a case-by-case basis who may view your exposé. An anony­mous short profi­le of the compa­ny is also created in advan­ce for the exposé. This serves as a direct initi­al contact with interes­ted parties and protects your compa­ny from being identi­fied by poten­ti­al buyers. This proce­du­re ensures that the Confi­den­tia­li­ty of confi­den­ti­al infor­ma­ti­on ensured as far as possible.

Defini­ti­on exposé for compa­ny sale

An exposé ? also

Infor­ma­ti­on Memoran­dum called ? is an important document in order to Infor­ma­ti­on important for the initi­al assess­ment by a prospec­ti­ve buyer about your compa­ny in an attrac­ti­ve setting. In additi­on to infor­ma­ti­on about the business model and products or services, you will also find Infor­ma­ti­on on histo­ry, staff, organi­sa­ti­on and, of course, finances.
  • the histo­ry of the company
  • the activi­ties and offers of the company
  • A compre­hen­si­ve overview of the finan­cial state­ments of the past
  • an analy­sis of the compe­ti­ti­ve environment
  • an assess­ment of the risks of the company
  • Infor­ma­ti­on about the manage­ment of the company
Liste der Firmen Expose Inhalte

What is the purpo­se of a compa­ny exposé?

The business sale exposé should be a comple­te and thorough document. It should provi­de poten­ti­al buyers or inves­tors with all the infor­ma­ti­on they need to make an infor­med decision.

Prepa­re for sale with the exposé

Prepa­ring for the sale of a business is a complex process that requi­res careful planning to maximi­se success. To ensure a successful outco­me, it is important to prepa­re a well-develo­ped business sale exposé.

When prepa­ring an exposé on the Compa­ny sale it is important to consider the target group. Inves­tors and poten­ti­al buyers need to under­stand the strengths and weakne­s­ses of the compa­ny, so it is important to explain these in an organis­ed and profes­sio­nal manner.

For buyers: You will recei­ve an infor­ma­ti­ve compa­ny exposé after you have found an interes­t­ing object. Feel free to regis­ter here with your search profi­le and find your dream project in corpo­ra­te purchasing:

If you are an MBI, strate­gic inves­tor or finan­cial inves­tor looking to buy a compa­ny or acqui­re a stake, you will recei­ve direct access to the free regis­tra­ti­on of your search profi­le here. 

Research and presen­ta­ti­on of the relevant data

The messa­ge of the exposé should be tailo­red to the target audience and clear­ly explain the advan­ta­ges of the compa­ny, for example:

  • A detail­ed descrip­ti­on of the compa­ny, inclu­ding its strengths and weaknesses

  • An overview of the current perfor­mance of the company’s business model

  • A market analy­sis to identi­fy poten­ti­al oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks

  • A compe­ti­ti­ve analy­sis to identi­fy poten­ti­al threats and advantages

  • An analy­sis of the company’s custo­mer base

  • Propo­sals for the develo­p­ment of the company’s current business model

Analy­sis and presen­ta­ti­on of the econo­mic figures

The compa­ny exposé should not only give a general overview of the compa­ny, but also include details of the company’s finan­cial data. This includes a balan­ce sheet, a Profit and loss account, a cash flow state­ment and any other finan­cial infor­ma­ti­on that might be useful to poten­ti­al buyers. Often in an abbre­via­ted overview of the last few years.

It is also important to list the assets and liabi­li­ties of the business, inclu­ding any debts and equity.

Compa­ny sales exposé: An important building block for arousing interest

A good, infor­ma­ti­ve exposé is an important building block for approa­ching prospec­ti­ve buyers and at the same time helps to arouse interest in your business. How can I get a poten­ti­al buyer interes­ted in my business? What distin­gu­is­hes my compa­ny and what makes them attrac­ti­ve? These points need to be clear­ly worked out and careful­ly documen­ted. This also includes profes­sio­nal photos, for examp­le of the products or the compa­ny building.

Compa­ny sale experi­ence report

Do you have confi­den­ti­al questions?

Portrait von KERN Gründer und Spezialist Nils Koerber lächelnd

Book your desired date direct­ly online!

I look forward to getting to know you.

Nils Koerber