Bild von g.on experience GmbH

g.on experi­ence GmbH ? Compa­ny sale

Logo g.on experience GmbH

About the company 

The g.on experi­ence is a leading provi­der of web-based geoin­for­ma­ti­on systems. The company’s focus is on provi­ding a geoin­for­ma­ti­on and process manage­ment system for complex, closed and spati­al­ly delimi­t­ed infra­struc­tures. Its main custo­mers include almost all major German airports, opera­tors of large chemi­cal and indus­tri­al parks as well as public sector and real estate custo­mers. The unique selling point is the standar­di­sed collec­tion, documen­ta­ti­on and manage­ment of all spati­al data in one appli­ca­ti­on, combi­ned with automa­ted process manage­ment. This offer is unique worldwide.

The task 

The compa­ny was sold as part of a retire­ment succes­si­on plan. The project included the comple­te prepa­ra­ti­on and support of the compa­ny sale by KERN Unternehmens­nachfolge Münster-Osnabrück.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

What was special about this project was that the identi­fi­ca­ti­on and approach of prospec­ti­ve buyers was carri­ed out to the exclu­si­on of the compe­ti­ti­on, despi­te the close compe­ti­ti­ve environment.

What the client says about the project

Dr. Uwe Meyer, Managing Partner:

In Novem­ber 2021, I contac­ted Mr. Ingo Claus with the request to support my two co-partners and me as majori­ty share­hol­der in the search for a suita­ble buyer for the compa­ny shares. I decided to seek exter­nal advice after previous discus­sions and negotia­ti­ons with poten­ti­al buyers quick­ly led me to the reali­sa­ti­on that such an important step could only lead to the desired success with profes­sio­nal help. When I sold my shares in the compa­ny, the main focus was on appre­cia­ti­on and the associa­ted accep­tance and conti­nua­tion of the corpo­ra­te philo­so­phy built up over 20 years of work, before the econo­mic success of the sale. With the help of Ingo Claus, both could be achieved.

Our IT compa­ny with its own software products and 30 dedica­ted IT and data manage­ment specia­lists has built up a sustainable custo­mer base in the chemi­cal indus­try, at almost all German airports and in the waste dispo­sal indus­try over the last 20 years. 

In the first discus­sions and inter­views, Ingo Claus very quick­ly recog­nis­ed the unique selling propo­si­ti­on of our compa­ny, which was well expres­sed in the exposé. He accom­pa­nied the subse­quent compa­ny evalua­ti­on and in the next step, with good intui­ti­on, suggested compa­nies that matched our ideas of a takeover candi­da­te. During the selec­tion phase, which lasted several weeks and was modera­ted and profes­sio­nal­ly coordi­na­ted by Mr Claus, we final­ly favou­red the offer of the future buyer. The subse­quent phase of contract negotia­ti­ons with our lawyer, tax advisor and the lawyers and repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the buyers was an exhaus­ting process in which Ingo Claus’ calm and level-headed manner contri­bu­ted signi­fi­cant­ly to the mutual under­stan­ding and ultima­te success of the transac­tion. We are very satis­fied with the result.

The almost one-year coope­ra­ti­on with Ingo Claus was very pleasant. I never had the impres­si­on that econo­mic success was in the foreground for him. He played a signi­fi­cant role in us achie­ving our goal of finding a succes­si­on soluti­on that offers a long-term perspec­ti­ve for the employees, custo­mers and also the manage­ment of the company.”

Photo: ©g.on experi­ence GmbH

About the buyer

Total Speci­fic Soluti­ons is a leading European provi­der of IT business soluti­ons and consists of indepen­dent business units that offer products and services for their verti­cal market segments. The g.on experi­ence is the first compa­ny in the DACH region to focus on the geo-IT sector.