KERN gratuliert Dr. Theo Waigel

KERN inter­view with “Mr. Euro

17 October marked the tenth anniver­sa­ry of the award cerem­o­ny of the Value Preser­va­ti­on and Trans­fer Initia­ti­ve. In beautiful autumn weather at Munich’s Nymphen­burg Palace, the lauda­tor Dr Charlot­te Knobloch presen­ted the award to former Federal Minis­ter of Finan­ce Dr Theo Waigel for his services to Europe and the common curren­cy that unites all Europeans.

KERN congra­tu­la­tes Dr Theo Weigel on his honora­ry award

The sponsors and co-organisers Holger Haber­mann and Roland Grepp­mair from the KERN site in Munich had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to ask a few questi­ons in an inter­view to the man who will forever be associa­ted with the euro - ex-Federal Minis­ter of Finan­ce, Dr Theo Waigel.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

You can find the inter­view in full length here!

Being an entre­pre­neur is the most beautiful thing there is”.

He became truly eupho­ric on the subject of ‘entre­pre­neur­ship’ when asked how to make self-employ­ment and entre­pre­neu­ri­al respon­si­bi­li­ty more palata­ble to 30-40 year-olds. Working independent­ly is the best thing there is,” said the octoge­na­ri­an with a very satis­fied look on his face. He could not imagi­ne anything else, and in his life he has appre­cia­ted the creati­ve freedom as an entre­pre­neur. At the same time, he deman­ded that politi­ci­ans make things easier for entre­pre­neurs. Especi­al­ly when passing on to the next generation.

Europe will never be without problems”

Is the Europe of today still the one he fought for in his active time?”, Roland Grepp­mair wanted to know. You can hear the detail­ed answer of the former Federal Minis­ter of Finan­ce in the inter­view here!

Tips for further reading: 

The coope­ra­ti­ve - salva­ti­on for business succession

Compa­ny value calcu­la­tor deter­mi­nes compa­ny value

What are the most important questi­ons about the succes­si­on process

Conflicts during the genera­tio­nal change of family businesses 

Photo: KERN - Compa­ny succes­si­on. Successful