Landkarte mit einem Pin auf der Stadt Warschau

KERN Inter­na­tio­nal - Coope­ra­ti­on anniver­sa­ry with AHK Warsaw

Just in time for the second anniver­sa­ry of its coope­ra­ti­on with the German Chamber of Foreign Trade in Poland, KERN compa­ny succes­si­on recei­ves has been further streng­the­ned by the additi­on of renow­ned M&A consul­tant Joanna Strzy?ewska. The coope­ra­ti­on was initia­ted by the KERN headquar­ters in Bremen, the KERN locati­on in Essen and the AHK Poland with its headquar­ters in Warsaw. 

At KERN, we advise our medium-sized clients not only nation­wi­de, but also inter­na­tio­nal­ly on all questi­ons regar­ding compa­ny succes­si­on? says Nils Koerber, founder and owner of KERN about the expan­si­on into Eastern Europe at that time. Our market entry into the largest econo­my in the eastern eurozo­ne was there­fo­re logical and only logical. It offers our custo­mers added value in every respect: Poland is the only country in Europe to have recor­ded solid and uninter­rupt­ed econo­mic growth since 1992, and Germa­ny is by far its most important trading partner? 

Three contacts - two count­ries - one team 

Within the KERN Group, Dr Peter Slawek is the country sponsor for Poland. Together, he and Leo Mausbach from the AHK Poland form a strong axis. Now this is being streng­the­ned even further: with Joanna Strzy?ewska, another top expert has been recrui­ted for the German-Polish activi­ties at KERN. Ms Strzy?ewska, who specia­li­ses in the tradi­tio­nal sectors of FMCG, indus­try, medici­ne, trade as well as the rapidly develo­ping high-tech indus­tries, has broad exper­ti­se in the prepa­ra­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of cross-border M&A transac­tions as well as in the execu­ti­on of commer­cial and organi­sa­tio­nal due diligence under­ta­ken by Polish compa­nies in the context of cross-border M&A transac­tions and partner­ship develo­p­ment in the DACH region. 

Together with Dr. Peter Slawek, she now forms a bilin­gu­al duo for KERN with a high level of inter­cul­tu­ral and lingu­i­stic compe­tence ? both M&A consul­tants speak fluent German as well as Polish. Since emoti­ons play a major role in the topic of compa­ny succes­si­on, it is all the more important that consul­tants have a feel for the respec­ti­ve customs and tradi­ti­ons of both count­ries. The German-Polish consul­tant duo at KERN is proba­b­ly unique in this form in the M&A market! 

On the part of the AHK in Poland, Mr Leo Mausbach will conti­nue to provi­de advice on questi­ons regar­ding market entry to Poland with locati­on advice and infor­ma­ti­on on setting up a compa­ny and finding coope­ra­ti­on partners. 

An experi­en­ced partner - AHK Poland 

The German-Polish Chamber of Indus­try and Commer­ce (AHK Poland), based in Warsaw, is the bilate­ral chamber in Poland with the largest number of members. It supports both German and Polish compa­nies in their mutual ambiti­ons on the other market. For all questi­ons regar­ding the sale, genera­ti­on change or purcha­se of medium-sized family businesses, KERN-Unternehmens­nachfolge is an important coope­ra­ti­on partner of AHK Poland.

Readi­ness ensured 

Dr. Peter Slawek is pleased about the additi­on of new staff: “Since the start of our coope­ra­ti­on, we have noticed a strong increase in demand for family businesses on both the buyer and seller side ? Welco­me to the team, dear Joanna Strzy?ewska!?