Ein kaminroter Lederkoffer mit goldenen Schnallen auf gestreiften Hintergrund

Criti­cal succes­si­on situa­ti­on endan­gers NRW as a business location

North Rhine-Westpha­lia is facing a major chall­enge in the succes­si­on situa­ti­on in compa­nies. This is the result of a study by the Chambers of Indus­try and Commer­ce in NRW published in October 2016. The study was conduc­ted in coope­ra­ti­on with Prof. Dr. Frank Wallau of the Paderborn/Bielefeld Univer­si­ty of Appli­ed Scien­ces and in part provi­des cause for concern for the econo­mic situa­ti­on in North Rhine-Westphalia.

If you look at the figures, you will see that especi­al­ly small compa­nies with less than 20 employees take the topic of compa­ny succes­si­on serious­ly only at a very late stage. The comple­xi­ty of such a process is undere­sti­ma­ted. In concre­te terms, this means that 42% of the smaller compa­nies survey­ed are facing a succes­si­on situa­ti­on. The situa­ti­on is similar for compa­nies with over 20 employees. Here, too, 42% of the compa­nies are facing this chall­enge. However, it is alarming that almost half of the compa­nies concer­ned have not yet dealt with this issue. This is mostly justi­fied by the avera­ge age of the entre­pre­neurs who, at an avera­ge of 58.5 years, mostly feel too young for this topic.

Here the study points out the comple­xi­ty of the issue, which should not be undere­sti­ma­ted. We can agree to this from KERN ? The succes­si­on specia­lists can only agree. From our experi­ence, especi­al­ly with entre­pre­neurs in the Ruhr region, the search for a suita­ble succes­sor is anything but trivi­al. The results of the study are in line with our experi­ence from many succes­si­on projects in family businesses.

50% of all entre­pre­neurs hide their succes­si­on situation

Entre­pre­neurs mostly prefer a succes­si­on soluti­on within the family. Accor­ding to the study, about 44% of the entre­pre­neurs want to hand over the compa­ny and its manage­ment to the family. If one also adds the wish for the compa­ny to remain in the family as proper­ty, but for the manage­ment to be outsour­ced, the figure rises to an impres­si­ve 53%.

This seemingly “simple” and “logical” way of conti­nuing a compa­ny. However, this seemingly ?simple? and ?logical? way of conti­nuing the business entails more complex tasks than passing the business on to exter­nal hands. In additi­on to the usual proces­ses and sub-proces­ses, such as compa­ny valua­ti­on, due diligence and so on, there are also the inter­nal family conflicts. For this reason, it has proven successful in the past to imple­ment the succes­si­on process together with media­tors experi­en­ced in genera­tio­nal change proces­ses. We recom­mend start­ing the process at an early stage. After all, many jobs and, above all, econo­mic power for the region depend on the successful hando­ver of a company.

Business closures damage econo­mic strength

The number of entre­pre­neurs planning to shut down their businesses is alarming. In North Rhine-Westpha­lia, almost every tenth business owner is planning to close his or her compa­ny. This result of the study is a wake-up call for business promo­ters, chambers of crafts and chambers of indus­try and commer­ce. Here, dialo­gue should be sought with the entre­pre­neurs concer­ned so that a strategy can be develo­ped to secure the business. After all, this is the only way to secure jobs and streng­then the econo­mic power of the region.

Need for advice is great

Accor­ding to the IHK study, not even half of the entre­pre­neurs feel well prepared at the begin­ning of the succes­si­on process. Experi­en­ced advisors, a lot of tact and, above all, an indivi­du­al concept are needed here. Succes­si­on situa­tions are best handled by advisors who have themsel­ves maste­red such a situa­ti­on. This guaran­tees advice at eye level.

Tips for further reading:

Wanted: Compa­ny succes­si­on in the Ruhr region

Comment: Unresol­ved compa­ny succes­si­ons endan­ger our prosperity

Advice traps in the process of business succession

Selling a business: Why a pure success fee makes it diffi­cult to provi­de serious advice

Selling a compa­ny in the IT industry

The 5 most important contents of an entre­pre­neu­ri­al emergen­cy kit