Kontor Hermsen e.K. ? Compa­ny sale

Logo Kontor Hermsen

About the company 

The Kontor-Hermsen - Owner Flori­an Hermsen e.K.a highly successful e-commer­ce compa­ny with opera­ti­ons in the Freiburg im Breis­gau region for more than 10 years.
The compa­ny is a fast-growing and profi­ta­ble online retail­er with a well-coordi­na­ted, indepen­dent team of employees and a consis­tent focus on automa­ti­on and proces­ses.
The compa­ny offers large domestic appli­ances in the entry-level price segment, from extra­c­tor bonnets, fridges and freezers, hobs, cookers/ovens to dishwa­shers, boilers, domestic appli­ances and sinks. The profes­sio­nal handling as well as the high delivery availa­bi­li­ty (only items that are alrea­dy in stock are offered; no drop shipping) have led to an excel­lent reputa­ti­on and more than 200,000 satis­fied customers.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

The task 

Swift sale of the compa­ny as part of an asset deal.

About the buyer

An experi­en­ced e-commer­ce entre­pre­neur from Kiel.