Unternehmensverkauf Industriedienstleister Anlagenbau

Kremer Machi­ne Systems GmbH - Compa­ny sale

Logo Kremer
  • Plant enginee­ring, mecha­ni­cal enginee­ring IC002096
  • Compa­ny sale | Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on | Genera­ti­on change
  • Super­vi­sed by: Ingo Claus

About the company 

Kremer Machi­ne Systems GmbH (KMS) is an indus­tri­al service provi­der specia­li­sing in the world­wi­de construc­tion and commis­sio­ning of complex machi­nes and systems. Its main custo­mers are the manufac­tu­ring indus­try, indus­tri­al custo­mers and machi­ne builders.

The task 

The project included the prepa­ra­ti­on of the sale, the search for and approach of buyers as well as the organi­sa­ti­on and modera­ti­on of the entire sales process. A challen­ging aspect of this project was the outbreak of the Corona pande­mic, which tempo­r­a­ri­ly affec­ted first the global and later also the European business and thus placed a great strain on the opera­ting partners. Nevert­hel­ess, the project was successful­ly comple­ted within 9 months.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

What the client says about the project

Heiner Kremer:

?Mr Claus worked with us in a very trusting and goal-orien­ted manner. He set the right impul­ses right from the start and approa­ched the right interes­ted parties in the search for buyers. Without Corona, we would have reached a successful project conclu­si­on even faster with TEC as one of the first interes­ted parties.?

About the buyer

TEC GmbH Dorma­gen is a subsi­dia­ry of the ROBUR Indus­try Service Group, which is one of the top 10 indus­tri­al service provi­ders in Germa­ny with a turno­ver of almost 200 milli­on euros in 2019. In various divisi­ons, the group of compa­nies offers high-quali­ty indus­tri­al services for the wind, water, power genera­ti­on, process indus­try and indus­tri­als sectors and supports its custo­mers in the digital trans­for­ma­ti­on and ecolo­gi­cal change of production.

Within the compa­ny, TEC GmbH specia­li­ses in the reloca­ti­on, assem­bly and enginee­ring of indus­tri­al plants all over the world.

With the integra­ti­on of KMS, TEC GmbH is opening up the Münster­land region with another locati­on and adding further indus­tri­al exper­ti­se to its range of services.

This is what the corpo­ra­te buyer says about the investment:

Dennis Mausberg, Managing Direc­tor of TEC GmbH: “TEC and ROBUR are pleased to welco­me KMS and Mr Kremer as a new valuable member of the team and plan to further expand the Gescher site and existing custo­mer relati­onships together.

We are convin­ced that by combi­ning the strengths of both compa­nies we will be able to further expand our market positi­on and offer our custo­mers a deeper level of service.

Many thanks also to Mr Claus for his profes­sio­nal, pragma­tic and goal-orien­ted approach which allowed us to achie­ve a good and fair result for all sides even in these challen­ging times.