Ein Mann und eine Frau, die sich die Hände geben.

Light­Part­ner Licht­sys­te­me GmbH & Co. KG ? Compa­ny sale

Logo LightPartner

About the company 

The Bremen-based compa­ny Light­Part­ner develo­ps, manufac­tures and distri­bu­tes high-quali­ty light­ing soluti­ons for merchant and cruise ships, luxury yachts and ferries. Special soluti­ons are also offered for marine and offshore conver­ter platforms. In additi­on to its headquar­ters in Bremen and a subsi­dia­ry in Singa­po­re, Light­Part­ner is present in all major shipbuil­ding centres and is a partner of shipy­ards, shipping compa­nies and naval archi­tects worldwide.

The task 

The project included the comple­te prepa­ra­ti­on and support of the compa­ny sale by KERN - Unternehmens­nachfolge. More successful in Bremen.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

What the client says about the project

Doris Haas, Managing Director:

With Miton, we have a strong, experi­en­ced team at our side that knows the mariti­me indus­try well and has excel­lent contacts.”

About the buyer

Mition GmbH, based in Berlin, specia­li­ses in invest­ments in medium-sized compa­nies. The focus is on growth-orien­ted techno­lo­gi­cal compa­nies. Mition offers them exper­ti­se, networks and capital to support them in their growth and develo­p­ment and to open up new markets. Over the past 20 years, Mition has acqui­red parti­cu­lar exper­ti­se in the areas of infra­struc­tu­re develo­p­ment and expan­si­on, commu­ni­ca­ti­ons techno­lo­gy, energy, electri­cal enginee­ring and satel­li­te technology. 

  • Light­ing techno­lo­gy in the marine segment NK002762
  • Compa­ny sale  | Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on | Genera­ti­on change
  • Super­vi­sed by: Nils Koerber