Beitragsbild M&A Beratung

Successful M&A consul­ting: How you can benefit from our expertise

As one of the leading consul­tanci­es for mergers and acqui­si­ti­ons (buying and selling compa­nies) for SMEs, the specia­lists at KERN have been combi­ning indus­try knowledge with strate­gic consul­ting exper­ti­se to guide compa­nies through complex transac­tion proces­ses since 2004.

Our experi­ence and commit­ment are reflec­ted in our missi­on state­ment and enable us to fulfil your Effec­ti­ve M&A targets to reali­se. Unique in our indus­try, we give you a M&A Guaran­tee. If, contra­ry to expec­ta­ti­ons, a transac­tion is not successful within 24 months, you are Fully secured. This empha­si­s­es our confi­dence in the quali­ty and success of our consul­ting services. Without risk for our customers.

What is M&A? A clear definition

Mergers & Acqui­si­ti­ons (M&A) include a large number of corpo­ra­te transac­tionsThe term “spin-off” refers to transac­tions in which compa­nies are merged, sold or acqui­red. This term extends to specia­li­sed transac­tions such as trans­fers of opera­ti­ons, carve-outs or spin-offs, in which parts of a compa­ny are contin­ued independently.

Although no advice is requi­red by law for the successful imple­men­ta­ti­on of M&A transac­tions, it is common practi­ce to utili­se experts such as lawyers, tax advisors and auditors in various transac­tion phases. In additi­on, M&A advisors with their in-depth transac­tion experi­ence offer indis­pensable support in planning and imple­men­ta­ti­on to ensure the success of the compa­ny transformation.

The compre­hen­si­ve guide to M&A consulting

Your guide!

The role of an M&A consul­tancy is to, You through every phase of the transac­tion process to lead ? from the develo­p­ment of a custo­mi­sed strategy to the successful signing of the contract and beyond. The assess­ment by a corpo­ra­te finan­ce expert comple­ments the process holisti­cal­ly in order to provi­de both buyers and sellers with precise valua­tions and strate­gic recom­men­da­ti­ons in the context of M&A transactions.

Even after the transac­tion is comple­te, your advisor remains a valuable partner to naviga­te transi­ti­on issues and ensure a smooth the follo­wing graphic you can see a rough overview of the process of an M&A Proces­ses.

Prozessgrafik zum M&A Prozess

1. the M&A strategy for your success

A successful M&A strategy is based on a deep under­stan­ding of timing, motiva­ti­on for the sale and sensi­ti­ve issues. We ask the right questi­ons, for examp­le: At what point should a Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on or sale take place? What are the reasons for selling a compa­ny? etc.

Through targe­ted discus­sions and questi­ons, we develop strate­gies that lay the founda­ti­on for a positi­ve transac­tion experi­ence for all parties involved.

2 The M&A process: step by step

In a M&A Process special atten­ti­on should be paid to these 4 steps.

  1. Business valua­ti­on: Every step begins with meticu­lous care to lay the founda­ti­ons for success.
  2. Letter of Intent (decla­ra­ti­on of intent): A criti­cal, often overloo­ked step that reaffirms mutual commitment.
  3. Due DiligenceA compre­hen­si­ve exami­na­ti­on of all aspects of the compa­ny by the buyer in order to create a sound basis for negotiation.
  4. Contract signing and hando­verAfter comple­ti­on, a careful­ly planned hando­ver follows, which lays the founda­ti­on for future success.
Bild mit Link zum Unternehmenswertrechner

Cross-indus­try exper­ti­se in M&A

M&A Beratung Leistungsübersicht KERN

Our decades of experi­ence in the field of mergers & acqui­si­ti­ons encom­pass compre­hen­si­ve exper­ti­se in a wide range of indus­tries. Our team has successful­ly advised on transac­tions in sectors such as automo­ti­ve, construc­tion, indus­tri­als, services, electro­nics, retail, health­ca­re, media, techno­lo­gy, trans­port and logistics.

The diver­si­ty of our experi­ence enables us to offer custo­mi­sed soluti­ons that are speci­fi­cal­ly tailo­red to the challenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties of each indus­try. We under­stand that every transac­tion is unique, which is why we deliver innova­ti­ve strate­gies and clear insights to ensure the success of your M&A activities.

Priva­te equity plays an incre­asing­ly important role in M&A transac­tions by provi­ding both capital and strate­gic support for the growth of compa­nies. For more in-depth insights into the link between priva­te equity and M&A, we invite you to read our blog post on this topic.

Priva­te equity invest­ment - Read nowThe feedback from our clients serves as testim­o­ny to our compe­tent and targe­ted advice. With at the forefront of M&A transac­tions for almost two decades we offer not only exper­ti­se, but also a proven success model based on trust, trans­pa­ren­cy and outstan­ding results.

Why KERN should be your first choice for M&A in the SME sector

M&A transac­tions are not only important for large corpo­ra­ti­ons. Also Medium-sized compa­nies face the same challenges and oppor­tu­ni­tieswhich make expert advice indispensable.

  • For sellers our approach aims to ensure a seamless transac­tion and secure an appro­pria­te sale price that reflects the true value of your business.
  • For buyers we provi­de detail­ed insights into the finan­cial, opera­tio­nal and strate­gic aspects of the target compa­ny to enable an infor­med decis­i­on and fair pricing.
  • For family businesses we under­stand that emotio­nal values are just as important as finan­cial ones. Our advice takes into account both the preser­va­ti­on of these values and the securing of a successful future. Compa­ny succes­si­on.
  • For spin-offs we support the creati­on of indepen­dent units by provi­ding strate­gic advice and opera­tio­nal support to make the transi­ti­on as smooth as possi­ble for all parties involved.

KERN under­stands the unique needs of medium-sized compa­nies and defines custo­mi­sed strate­gies that take into account the comple­xi­ty of M&A transac­tions and support the speci­fic objec­ti­ves of our clients.

Additio­nal advan­ta­ges of our M&A Manage­ment Consultancy

A successful M&A transac­tion is not only based on profes­sio­nal exper­ti­se, but also on the abili­ty to build trusting relati­onships. Since our founda­ti­on in 2004, we have impres­sed not only with our profes­sio­na­lism, integri­ty and relia­bi­li­ty, but also with our commit­ment to sustainable success and the conti­nuous develo­p­ment of our knowledge and methods.

Our missi­on state­ment empha­si­s­es our commit­ment to creating real value for our clients - through respect, appre­cia­ti­on and the develo­p­ment of soluti­ons that not only achie­ve short-term goals but also ensure long-term success. This approach has helped us to build lasting partner­ships and be recog­nis­ed as a trusted advisor in all aspects of M&A advisory.

What to look for when choosing profes­sio­nal M&A advice?

Infografik Seriöse M&A Berater erkennen

If you want to advise, you have to show experi­ence. A relia­ble M&A consul­tancy should be able to present you with a solid wealth of experi­ence and prove it with convin­cing referen­ces. The right seals of approval also create securi­ty and trust.

As M&A advisors, we are members of associa­ti­ons such as the BDU ? Federal Associa­ti­on of German Manage­ment Consul­tants. You can get more infor­ma­ti­on here.

Success stories from our M&A projects

Our services for profes­sio­nal M&A transac­tions are also convey­ed by our satis­fied clients.

Fallbeispiel Unternehmensverkauf hms sonosystems

hms sonosys­tems GmbH wanted a sale that would preser­ve jobs and long-standing custo­mer relati­onships. KERN accom­pa­nied this process and secured a Conti­nua­tion of the life’s work.

I was guided through the process by Mr Rehfuß in a very profes­sio­nal and far-sighted manner right from the start. I would like to empha­sise the wealth of experi­ence and techni­cal exper­ti­se in this context. Mr Rehfuß support­ed us compe­tent­ly and profes­sio­nal­ly with specia­list knowledge at every stage of the compa­ny takeover. The advice & support was important and helped us in all aspects in this very complex topic.”

Mr Martin Nicho­las Smith, Managing Director

Learn more.

The compa­ny was to be sold as part of a regula­ted succes­si­on plan. It was parti­cu­lar­ly important to find an inves­tor who would preser­ve the compa­ny as a whole, accom­pa­ny it on its growth path and help to further develop and expand the organi­sa­ti­on and locati­on with profes­sio­nal support.

I am highly satis­fied with the outco­me of the transac­tion. I am deligh­ted that in Premi­um Equity we have found an inves­tor who has recog­nis­ed the company’s poten­ti­al and is prepared to accom­pa­ny and support FREQCON’s growth and further develo­p­ment with know-how and capital. Maintai­ning and expan­ding the workforce and the site are very important to me and I am deligh­ted that we will be taking the next step in the company’s develo­p­ment together. Without the profes­sio­nal support, advice and guidance from KERN (Mr Greve/Bergmann), this result would not have been possi­ble. I always felt that I was in good hands throug­hout the entire process and always had the feeling that I had a top team of consul­tants at my side, even in criti­cal situa­tions. I would like to thank the two gentle­men for the time they spent together and for the successful and rapid conclu­si­on of the deal.

Mr Norbert Hennchen, Managing Director

Learn more.

Fallbeispiel Unternehmensverkauf Freqcon
Fallbeispiel Unternehmensverkauf Café Kraft Boulderhalle

Café Kraft is the first bould­e­ring hall in Nurem­berg and the second bould­e­ring hall in Germa­ny. At Café Kraft, custo­mers can expect a unique sports and leisu­re world that combi­nes bould­e­ring, a living room atmosphe­re & unique event locati­on.
KERN’s task here was to secure the company’s succes­si­on and thus also the locati­on, while ensuring that all employees have a future and custo­mers conti­nue to have an attrac­ti­ve bould­e­ring hall in the region.

I am very happy that I had a good sparring partner in KERN and Wolfgang Bürger to help me through all the ups and downs of the sales process and to have a partner at my side at all times who I could turn to and who could help me.” “I would stron­gly recom­mend that every seller seek profes­sio­nal support.”

Mr Reto Faulen­bach, Managing Director

Learn more.

Your next step towards a successful M&A project

The successful reali­sa­ti­on of M&A projects requi­res sound advice based on in-depth market knowledge and proven experi­ence. KERN supports you with a team of proven experts who are charac­te­ri­sed by many years of practi­cal experi­ence and consis­t­ent­ly positi­ve custo­mer feedback. Our unique guaran­tee of success is proof of our commit­ment and exper­ti­se in the M&A segment.

If you are looking for a solid partner­ship to naviga­te your business through the M&A process, we can provi­de you with the support and advice you need. Contact us for a detail­ed insight into our approach and to discuss how we can fulfil your speci­fic requi­re­ments. Together we will develop a tailor-made strategy based on sound analy­ses to ensure your M&A success.

Start the dialo­gue with KERN today and lay the founda­ti­on for a successful M&A transaction.

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Or talk to a KERN expert near you!