Eine Weltkugel liegt in einer Hand.

Media Soluti­ons GmbH ? Compa­ny sale

Logo Media Solutions GmbH

About the company 

Media Soluti­ons GmbH stands for consul­ting, indivi­du­al develo­p­ment and soluti­on compe­tence, custo­mi­sed IT soluti­ons and custo­mer-orien­ted services. 

The task 

The compa­ny (80 % of the shares) was sold as part of a retire­ment succes­si­on plan. The project includes the comple­te prepa­ra­ti­on and support of the compa­ny sale by KERN Unternehmens­nachfolge München.

Kunden­stim­men, Projekt­be­rich­te, Videos

Das sagen Kunden und Geschäfts­part­ner über KERN

What the client says about the project

Micha­el Staar, Managing Director:

We rate the coope­ra­ti­on with Mr Grepp­mair very positively.

In additi­on to a lot of experi­ence and know-how, this was above all the good support on an inter­per­so­nal level - with all parties invol­ved - which was important and a factor that contri­bu­ted signi­fi­cant­ly to the successful conclu­si­on of the transaction.”

Click here for the inter­view with Micha­el Staar!

About the buyer

A combi­na­ti­on of a strate­gic buyer from the IT scene together with a finan­cial inves­tor (family office).