KERN Gründer Nils Koerber lächelnd in einem Meetingraum bei anderen KERN Partnern

Media­ti­on - soluti­ons for conflicts during genera­tio­nal change

Media­ti­on can support the intra-family genera­tio­nal change very well, as it will, for examp­le, allow conflict manage­ment systems to be intro­du­ced in the compa­ny. Accor­ding to research, around 80% of intra-family business succes­si­ons fail due to unresol­ved emotio­nal issues. A classic examp­le, for examp­le, is the typical role behaviour in a family business. 

For examp­le, a senior entre­pre­neur often switches between the role of father and super­vi­sor when talking to his son who works in the compa­ny. This can lead to the son not seeing himself valued as a leader. Instead, he sees himself treated as a little boy. Nils Koerber, founder of K.E.R.N - Die Nachfolge­spezialisten - discus­ses the advan­ta­ges of media­ti­on in genera­tio­nal change and compa­ny succes­si­on in his short video contribution.

Media­ti­on offers high proba­bi­li­ty of success at low cost

By the way: Media­ti­on has been provi­ded for as a conflict resolu­ti­on instru­ment in the Code of Civil Proce­du­re for several years now. With a proba­bi­li­ty of success of well over 80%, this proce­du­re is signi­fi­cant­ly faster and more cost-effec­ti­ve than, for examp­le, civil procee­dings lasting several months. Nils Koerber’s every­day experi­ence shows that many emotio­nal issues can be resol­ved in a very short time with the help of media­ti­on. This saves the parties cost-inten­si­ve as well as nerve- and time-consum­ing court proceedings.

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