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Succes­si­on planning - creating the right conditions

Before the actual sales process begins, thorough succes­si­on planning is requi­red. Especi­al­ly when a succes­si­on soluti­on is being sought, this is a success factor. Only if detail­ed and inten­si­ve work is done here will the subse­quent sales process be successful. Succes­si­on planning should be one of the most important milesto­nes of any mandate.

In the context of succes­si­on planning, a few main activi­ties should be mentio­ned here. These have proven successful in practi­ce. Many activi­ties seem self-evident. This is becau­se in many cases planning is not approa­ched with the neces­sa­ry level of detail.

Succes­si­on planning activi­ties are therefore:

  • Develo­p­ment and formu­la­ti­on of one’s own vision
  • Analy­sis of own skills in a perso­nal profile
  • Requi­re­ments for the poten­ti­al transferees
  • Deter­mi­ning the process and roles within the follow-up project

Working through these points results in a well thought-out and struc­tu­red succes­si­on plan.

The vision as part of succes­si­on planning

Usual­ly, most compa­nies have a missi­on state­ment. This exists in a wide varie­ty of forms. The compa­ny vision must be questio­ned during the planning process. In additi­on, the transferor’s own perso­nal vision must be worked out. This can relate to his own compa­ny. His lifetime after the hando­ver plays a major role. If the trans­fer­or can formu­la­te his vision and also put it down in writing, much has alrea­dy been gained.

  • Vision of the compa­ny (Where does the compa­ny want to go? What does it want to achieve?)
  • Vision of the entre­pre­neur in relati­on to his compa­ny (Where does he see his compa­ny after the handover?)
  • Vision of the entre­pre­neur in relati­on to his time after the hando­ver (What does he still want to achie­ve? How does he want to use his time meaningfully?)

One’s own abilities

Knowing one’s own abili­ties (and weakne­s­ses) helps the entre­pre­neur enorm­ously. In this way he learns to assess his behaviour and can there­fo­re prepa­re advan­ta­ge­ous discus­sion and negotia­ti­on situa­tions. After all, every trans­fer­or wants to hand over his life’s work with a good feeling. If there is an overe­sti­ma­ti­on of oneself or even an undere­sti­ma­ti­on of one’s own abili­ties, this will lead to losses. The losses can be both emotio­nal and monetary.

Requi­re­ments for the transferee

The search for a buyer should not become a search for a needle in a haystack. This requi­res a precise analy­sis of poten­ti­al buyers. There­fo­re, a detail­ed elabo­ra­ti­on of profi­le parame­ters is indis­pensable. It has proven to be a good idea to draw up a broad catalo­gue of crite­ria for a takeover candi­da­te during the succes­si­on planning process. This means that both the positi­ve and the negati­ve crite­ria for a takeover are worked out.

The project plan

Final­ly, all succes­si­on planning conside­ra­ti­ons culmi­na­te in a clear­ly struc­tu­red project plan. The plan provi­des infor­ma­ti­on about the requi­red time frame. As a result, it becomes clear from when to when which milestone must be worked through. Final­ly, the project roles are defined and assigned concre­te tasks.

If the succes­si­on planning is within the frame­work of these few points, the process is also easier to handle for a buyer. After all, good prepa­ra­ti­on ultim­ate­ly increa­ses the chance of a successful hando­ver and securing the life’s work.

Tips for further reading:

KERN study on business succes­si­on in Germa­ny 2020: Acute lack of succes­sors threa­tens family businesses

Business sale vs. real estate sale

Advice traps in the process of business succession

The costs of a business succes­si­on or an M&A project

Compa­ny succes­si­on: Why a pure success fee makes serious advice difficult

Compa­nies in the IT sector

Is Fielmann’s succes­si­on plan in the family business exemplary?

The 5 most important contents of an entre­pre­neu­ri­al emergen­cy kit

What needs to be done in succes­si­on planning?

There are a few core activi­ties to menti­on here. Some steps seem self-evident. However, often the work is not detail­ed enough.
- Develo­p­ment and formu­la­ti­on of one’s own vision
- Creati­on of a perso­nal profi­le with analy­sis of one’s own abili­ties
- Requi­re­ments for the poten­ti­al trans­fe­rees
- Deter­mi­ning the process and roles within the follow-up project
By working through these essen­ti­al points, one obtains a struc­tu­red succes­si­on plan. 

What role does vision play in succes­si­on planning?

Most compa­nies have a missi­on state­ment. This corpo­ra­te vision must be questio­ned during the planning process.
In additi­on, it is important to work out the perso­nal vision of the trans­fer­or. This may relate to his own compa­ny. However, his lifetime after the hando­ver is much more decisi­ve. The most important thing is that the vision is recor­ded. In short:
- Vision of the compa­ny (Where does the compa­ny want to go? What does it want to achie­ve?)
- Vision of the entre­pre­neur in relati­on to his compa­ny (Where does he see his compa­ny after the hando­ver?)
- Vision of the entre­pre­neur in relati­on to his time after the hando­ver (What does he still want to achie­ve? How does he want to use his time meaningfully?)