Unternehmensnachfolge im Handwerk

Pohlmann+Bindel GmbH&Co.KG - Compa­ny acquisition

Unternehmenskauf Pohlmann+Bindel GmbH&Co.KG

About the company

Pohlmann + Bindel (P+B) is a medium-sized family business for electri­cal and securi­ty techno­lo­gy that has been in business in the second genera­ti­on since 1959. Pohlmann + Bindel specia­li­ses in the digita­li­sa­ti­on of schools and businesses as well as integra­ted detec­tion systems for access, video and alarm techno­lo­gy from ABUS Securi­ty Systems. The compa­ny is also heavi­ly invol­ved in the field of e-mobili­ty and offers soluti­ons for wallbo­xes and storage techno­lo­gies. The compa­ny motto is: “We are the electro­nics engineers!

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Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on (M&A) - indepen­dence or strategy for growth

The task

As part of the corpo­ra­te strategy, a compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on was the favou­red option for further future growth. With the takeover of an owner-managed electri­cal compa­ny, the future-orien­ted range of services for the digita­li­sa­ti­on of buildings, schools and commer­cial enter­pri­ses is to be estab­lished at a further locati­on in the Münster/Osnabrück region.

In the course of target scouting, KERN compi­led a list of over 100 poten­ti­al target compa­nies. The targe­ted approach of several favou­red compa­nies ultim­ate­ly led to the purcha­se of Elektro Pöhler from Münster and to a coope­ra­ti­on with two other craft enter­pri­ses from the region.

What the client says about the project

Mathi­as Pohlmann:

We alrea­dy tried to grow in the past by buying an electri­cal compa­ny. This was very time-consum­ing and did not lead to success at first. Thanks to Mr. Claus’ struc­tu­red search and approach, we were able to talk to compa­nies that met our requi­re­ments profi­le. Mr Claus unders­tood how to modera­te the discus­sion proces­ses of the possi­ble succes­si­on with the neces­sa­ry tact and to repre­sent our interests.”

About the seller

Elektro Pöhler has been opera­ting in Münster since 1967 and is run by Ute Pöhler, widow of the late master electri­ci­an Micha­el Pöhler, in the second genera­ti­on. Elektro Pöhler is a service-orien­ted electri­cal trade compa­ny with well-trained and experi­en­ced employees.

I am pleased that with P+B we have found a compe­tent partner for a forward-looking soluti­on that will expand the Münster locati­on and streng­then it in the long term. The employees can now take advan­ta­ge of this oppor­tu­ni­ty and develop the compa­ny further?, says Ute Pöhler about this successful compa­ny succes­si­on in the skilled crafts sector.