Ein Verkaufstresen im Supermarkt der mit Aufschnitt und Käse. Eine Kundin steht davor.

König Object Consul­ting - Compa­ny sale

About the company 

König Object Consul­ting GmbH was taken over in 2002 by Jakob Schwin­gen­heu­er, interi­or designer, and develo­ped into a leading suppli­er / service provi­der in the field of shop design / shopfit­ting and storage technology. 

With 10 archi­tects and interi­or designers, the highly profes­sio­nal team is able to quick­ly develop forward-looking concepts and innova­ti­ve ideas for a wide varie­ty of retail and gastro­no­my concepts and to imple­ment them on schedu­le with high-perfor­mance partners throug­hout Germany.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

Custo­mers include the most renow­ned retail chains in the fashion sector as well as various organic market opera­tors. The compa­ny has also built up a very good reputa­ti­on in the system gastro­no­my sector and in well-known network systems in the food retail sector. 

The task 

The project included the prepa­ra­ti­on of the sale, compa­ny valua­ti­on, buyer search and approach as well as the organi­sa­ti­on and modera­ti­on of the entire sales process up to the final drafting of the contract. The project was successful­ly comple­ted with the buyer, an inter­na­tio­nal­ly active group of compa­nies, within only 5 months. 

What the client says about the project

Jakob Schwin­gen­heu­er

With Mr. Klaus-Chris­ti­an Knuff­mann, I had a compe­tent entre­pre­neur / expert at my side at all times. Without him, I would not have been able to identi­fy the ultima­te buyer among the many prospec­ti­ve buyers. The contract negotia­ti­ons with an excel­lent­ly advised indus­tri­al group would also have been very challen­ging for me in additi­on to the day-to-day business. During the entire sales process, from the prepa­ra­ti­on to the signing of the contract, I was always well prepared and infor­med by KERN and thus always in control. I am happy to recom­mend Mr Knuff­mann to others.”

About the buyer

In March 2018, Nordwest Indus­trie Group GmbH, based in Frank­furt am Main, acqui­red the compa­ny as part of a share deal for its business divisi­on - facto­ry and shop fittings. Mr Schwin­gen­heu­er contin­ued to advise the new manage­ment for some time and support­ed the intro­duc­tion to new sales markets and existing customers.