Die Bank ist bei der Unternehmensnachfolge ein wichtiger Ansprechpartner.

Quick­check: Can my bank help with business succession?

The topic of business succes­si­on is often associa­ted with finan­cing and capital flow for affec­ted entre­pre­neurs. The first point of contact is often the company’s bank, which has usual­ly accom­pa­nied the compa­ny and the entre­pre­neur for years or decades. Here there is an estab­lished relati­onship of trust with the contact person at the bank. With this quick check, you as an entre­pre­neur can clari­fy whether the bank is really up to the complex requi­re­ments of this topic?

Compa­ny succes­si­on in SMEs is current­ly a hotly debated topic. There is a lack of suita­ble succes­sors and soluti­ons for the upcoming and mostly inevi­ta­ble hando­ver process. Once the compa­ny succes­si­on has been resol­ved and ideal­ly a Emergen­cy case this can also have a positi­ve influence on credit­wort­hi­ness. This is becau­se a compa­ny that cannot provi­de proof of a secure succes­si­on, but which will have to do so in the foreseeable future due to the age of the entre­pre­neur, alrea­dy slips down the rankings of some banks. This often has a direct impact on the company’s credit rating and makes its finan­cing more expensive.

Can the bank also help with business succession?

Whether the bank can provi­de advice and support in the search for a succes­si­on soluti­on depends on a number of factors. We have summa­ri­sed the 5 most important questi­ons in brief here.

1. is there a “business succes­si­on” division?

Banks with their own business divisi­on that deals with this topic can usual­ly fall back on well-founded knowledge. In additi­on, the advisors in this area have experi­ence with the trans­fer of compa­nies and this is part of the advisor’s every­day business. The situa­ti­on is diffe­rent if the corpo­ra­te client advisor “also covers the topic”. Here, specia­li­sa­ti­on or the neces­sa­ry in-depth knowledge of the complex process of business succes­si­on is often missing.

2. does the bank actively address the issue?

From our own experi­ence, we know banks that only contact their custo­mers when the current account line is insuf­fi­ci­ent, new finan­cial products need to be sold or the bank wants to levera­ge syner­gies with its insurance partner. A good bank actively approa­ches the entre­pre­neur when a succes­si­on situa­ti­on is imminent. At an early stage, the bank should actively contact the client to discuss possi­ble soluti­ons with him at an early stage.

3. what network can the bank offer?

Compa­ny succes­si­on is not an indivi­du­al game, but must be solved as a team. The bank should have access to a solid network of succes­si­on advisors, M&A consul­tants and experts in the fields of tax and law. If the bank can also offer workshops or even estab­lish contact with entre­pre­neurs who have alrea­dy imple­men­ted a succes­si­on soluti­on, the overall packa­ge is right.

4. are there any reference consul­ta­ti­ons of the bank?

As an entre­pre­neur, you only commis­si­on service provi­ders or suppli­ers if the referen­ces are verifia­ble and plausi­ble. Why should this be any diffe­rent with your bank? Why should you do this differ­ent­ly for your own business succes­si­on, of all things, where a considera­ble, finan­cial sum is usual­ly at stake? The bank will, of course, remain within the bounds of banking secre­cy, but will certain­ly be able to list some referen­ces from the advice and support it has provi­ded to other clients.

5. what training / background knowledge does the counsell­or have?

Questi­on the knowledge of your bank advisor. Has your advisor “only” atten­ded a seminar on business succes­si­on? Or has he alrea­dy accom­pa­nied a few genera­ti­on changes himself? Where does his knowledge come from? An entrepreneur’s life’s work deser­ves to have compe­tent advisors at his side.

Tips for further reading:

Free webinars on business succession

Wanted: Compa­ny succes­si­on in the Ruhr region

Advice traps in the process of business succession

The costs of a business succes­si­on or an M&A project

Selling a business: Why a pure success fee makes it diffi­cult to provi­de serious advice

Comment: Unresol­ved compa­ny succes­si­ons endan­ger our prosperity

Successful­ly selling IT companies

The 5 most important contents of an entre­pre­neu­ri­al emergen­cy kit