Ein Massenspektromat

Spectro­mat - Mass Spectro­me­ter GmbH ? Compa­ny sale

Logo Spectromat GmbH
  • Produc­tion, trade and service of mass spectro­me­ters NK001738
  • Compa­ny sale | Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on | Genera­ti­on change
  • Super­vi­sed by: Nils Koerber  

About the company 

Spectro­mat GmbH develo­ps, produ­ces and distri­bu­tes intel­li­gent and sophisti­ca­ted hardware and software compon­ents for isoto­pe mass spectro­me­ters world­wi­de to impro­ve the analy­ti­cal perfor­mance of isoto­pe mass spectro­me­ters. Since its founda­ti­on in 1993, the compa­ny has develo­ped into an inter­na­tio­nal­ly renow­ned compe­tence and quali­ty leader in this niche market.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

The task 

Sale of the compa­ny due to age-related succes­si­on of the shareholders.

What the client says about the project

Mr Micha­el Wegener, :

?With our offer of a niche within a niche, perse­ver­ance and the motivat­ing support of KERN was an important contri­bu­ti­on to the success of selling our company?

About the buyer

The buyer is a start-up from the high-tech scene, which would like to offer the techno­lo­gy of mass spectro­me­try in the future with a niche product.