Firmen­nach­fol­ger gesucht? KERN ist Ihr verls­li­cher Partner

KERN M&A Erfolgsgarantie

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Siegel Beste Berater für Unternehmensnachfolge
Siegel Top Unternehmensnachfolge Beratung
Beste Berater - Auszeichnung SZ Institut
German Customer-Awards 2024

Roland Grepp­mair Exper­ti­se for your compa­ny sale

Jahrgang 1971, Studi­um als Dipl. Ing. Maschi­nen­bau- und Wirtschafts­in­ge­nieur (FH), Syste­mi­scher Coach und Media­tor. Zerti­fi­zier­ter Change­ma­na­ger. Berater für Unternehmens­nachfolge in München. Expert for business succes­si­on, Compa­ny sale Change manage­ment and cultu­ral change in medium-sized companies

15 Jahre Branchen­er­fah­rung in der Automo­bil­in­dus­trie, Beglei­tung von Verän­de­rungs­pro­jek­ten in mittel­stän­di­schen Unter­neh­men, mit beson­de­rer Erfah­rung bei Nachfolgeprozessen.

Referent im DACH-Raum zum Thema Unternehmens­nachfolge, Generations­wechsel, Kultur­wan­del in Unter­neh­men. Sparrings­part­ner für Überge­ber und Überneh­mer, Modera­tor von Verkaufs­ver­hand­lun­gen. Spezia­li­siert auf Werte- und Famili­en­sys­te­me (Hypno­sys­te­mi­scher Ansatz).

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Do you have confi­den­ti­al questi­ons? Book your free desired appoint­ment direct­ly online

As buyers, we can give KERN unreser­ved, unqua­li­fied praise! 

In 2020, we took over Wink GmbH in the Augsburg area as an inves­tor and are very happy with it. The transac­tion was accom­pa­nied by Mr Grepp­mair from KERN, which we found to be very profes­sio­nal and also led quick­ly to the goal. Here we can offer unreser­ved and unqua­li­fied praise. We would be happy to work with KERN again and again!

Peter Baumhau­er, Optimum Holding GmbH 

And a short time later I was able to hand over the practi­ce to a compe­tent successor 

My great wish to sell my physio­the­ra­py practi­ce remain­ed unsuc­cessful despi­te all my efforts and also several job inter­views. With his great, empathe­tic manner, Mr Grepp­mair quick­ly helped me to recog­ni­se the real reason. I reali­sed that the cause was me and that I was uncon­scious­ly not yet ready to let go. This changed quick­ly with his help and a short time later I was able to hand over the practi­ce to a compe­tent succes­sor. Many thanks for that!

Ursula Herzog  , Physiotherapist 

Support on an inter­per­so­nal level is a decisi­ve factor 

We rate the coope­ra­ti­on with Mr Grepp­mair very positively. In additi­on to a great deal of experi­ence and exper­ti­se, the good support on an inter­per­so­nal level ? with all parties invol­ved ? was parti­cu­lar­ly important and a factor that contri­bu­ted signi­fi­cant­ly to the successful conclu­si­on of the transaction.

Micha­el Staar & Lukas Fof 

If KERN accom­pa­nies, the chances increase signi­fi­cant­ly that Commerz­bank will be available 

If KERN accom­pa­nies an inves­tor and develo­ps a business plan with the MBI/MBO, the chances increase signi­fi­cant­ly that Commerz­bank will be available with financing.

Commerz­bank Bavaria  , Corpo­ra­te Relati­onship Manager 

The mixtu­re from KERN was so far unique in its kind and there­fo­re parti­cu­lar­ly valuable 

Thank you very much for your lively contri­bu­ti­on to the BVMW event Compa­ny Succes­si­on in Practi­ce. Mr Grepp­mair, you succee­ded in a special way in entering the world of the audience - the entre­pre­neurs affec­ted by the succes­si­on - and picking them up where they are parti­cu­lar­ly emotio­nal. The mixtu­re of lectu­re and role play was so far unique in its kind and there­fo­re parti­cu­lar­ly valuable.

Achim von Michel  , Bundes­ver­band mittel­stän­di­sche Wirtschaft e.V. (Federal Associa­ti­on of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses) 

KERN contri­bu­ti­on to our nation­wi­de action day on business succession 

Thank you for your innova­ti­ve contri­bu­ti­on to our nation­wi­de DIHK Action Day on Business Succes­si­on. Focusing on the “soft” issues is in line with our experi­ence of what makes a succes­si­on successful. The four phases provi­de struc­tu­re and orien­ta­ti­on in a very complex process. We’ll be happy to do it again on another occasion.

Markus Neuner  , IHK for Munich and Upper Bavaria 

We were thril­led by the perso­nal commit­ment of Mr Greppmair 

We would defini­te­ly recom­mend Kern-Unternehmens­nachfolge to others, as we were very enthu­si­a­stic about the perso­nal commit­ment of our consul­tant Mr Grepp­mair. It was a very pleasant, trusting coope­ra­ti­on and we would not have managed to carry out such a successful compa­ny sale without his help. From the first day until the notary appoint­ment we felt well advised and support­ed. Many thanks again to the Kern compa­ny and especi­al­ly to Mr Greppmair.

Werner Wink family 

Final­ly time for a new life plan 

Mr Grepp­mair from KERN assis­ted me with the sale of my caret­a­ker service in Munich in an always pleasant and very compe­tent manner. In just nine months, he managed to sell my compa­ny at a satis­fac­to­ry price despi­te falling sales and the Corona crisis. In doing so, he made a decisi­ve contri­bu­ti­on to a new life plan that I had longed for for a long time. Many thanks for that!

Stefan Krebs  , GEON-Gebäudemanagement 

At the same time, this decis­i­on secures our family relationship 

After two attempts, we had to reali­se that working together as mother and daugh­ter in the family business remains challen­ging. Thanks to Mr Greppmair’s conflict modera­ti­on, we quick­ly reali­sed that a profes­sio­nal separa­ti­on does not mean defeat, but libera­ti­on. At the same time, this decis­i­on secures our family relati­onship. Thank you very much for this valuable insight!

Owner  , Event­agen­tur in München 

The mixtu­re from KERN was so far unique in its kind and there­fo­re parti­cu­lar­ly valuable 

Achim von Michel  Bundes­ver­band mittel­stän­di­sche Wirtschaft e.V.

Thank you very much for your lively contri­bu­ti­on to the BVMW event Compa­ny Succes­si­on in Practi­ce. Mr Grepp­mair, you succee­ded in a special way in entering the world of the audience - the entre­pre­neurs affec­ted by the succes­si­on - and picking them up where they are parti­cu­lar­ly emotio­nal. The mixtu­re of lectu­re and role play was so far unique in its kind and there­fo­re parti­cu­lar­ly valuable.

KERN contri­bu­ti­on to our nation­wi­de action day on business succession 

Markus Neuner  IHK für München und Oberbayern 

Thank you for your innova­ti­ve contri­bu­ti­on to our nation­wi­de DIHK Action Day on Business Succes­si­on. Focusing on the “soft” issues is in line with our experi­ence of what makes a succes­si­on successful. The four phases provi­de struc­tu­re and orien­ta­ti­on in a very complex process. We’ll be happy to do it again on another occasion.

Support on an inter­per­so­nal level is a decisi­ve factor 

Micha­el Staar & Lukas Fof 

We rate the coope­ra­ti­on with Mr Grepp­mair very positively. In additi­on to a great deal of experi­ence and exper­ti­se, the good support on an inter­per­so­nal level ? with all parties invol­ved ? was parti­cu­lar­ly important and a factor that contri­bu­ted signi­fi­cant­ly to the successful conclu­si­on of the transaction.

Start enter­pri­se value calcu­la­ti­on FREE OF CHARGE

For what reason do you want to calcu­la­te the enter­pri­se value?

Earn out when selling a compa­ny
Der Earn Out ist ein wesent­li­cher Bestand­teil bei Firmen­ver­käu­fen, um einen gerech­ten und zukunfts­ori­en­tier­ten Kaufpreis zu gewähr­leis­ten. Er teilt den[…]
Compa­ny valua­ti­on calcu­la­tor - A compre­hen­si­ve guide
Auf den Punkt gebracht Firmen­wert Rechner als Basis: Nutzt das EBIT-Multi­pli­ka­tor Verfah­ren als fundier­ten Anhalts­punkt für die initia­le und indikative[…]
Selling a medium-sized compa­ny: success factors, common mista­kes and practi­cal tips
Der Pfad zum erfolg­rei­chen M&A (Kurzform für Merger & Acqui­si­ti­ons) im Mittel­stand erfor­dert strate­gi­sche Planung, kluge Durch­füh­rung und die Vermeidung[…]

Was können wir für Sie tun?

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M&A consul­ting for compa­ny succes­si­on & compa­ny sale in Ingol­stadt
Legal­ly indepen­dent locati­on
Roland Grepp­mair
Donau­stra­ße 8
85049 Ingol­stadt

Phone +49 841 49 399 137