LfA- Förderbank Bayern Logo Schriftzug in anthrazit und blau

Start-up loan from LfA Förder­bank Bayern also for business succession

Until recent­ly, business succes­sors named diffi­cul­ties with finan­cing as one of the main risks in their project. LfA Förder­bank Bayern’s start-up loan is not only attrac­ti­ve for business founders, but also as a building block for finan­cing business succession.

The Bavari­an develo­p­ment bank thus joins the ranks of state-owned develo­p­ment banks that finan­ce business succes­si­ons at parti­cu­lar­ly favoura­ble condi­ti­ons. IFB Hamburg recent­ly launched the Hamburg Credit Founda­ti­on and Succes­si­on a similar programme.

The target group of this loan are founders and business succes­sors of small and medium-sized commer­cial enter­pri­ses in indus­try, trade, commer­ce, road trans­port, the hotel and restau­rant indus­try and other service indus­tries, as well as members of the liberal professions.

There are two diffe­rent program­mes, the Start Loan and the Start Loan 100:

  • Start-up credit: From an invest­ment volume of EUR 25,000, this promo­tio­nal loan offers signi­fi­cant­ly more favoura­ble condi­ti­ons with diffe­rent terms compared to the market interest rate. Diffe­rent terms with grace years can be agreed upon.
  • Start-up credit 100With this finan­cing module, the start-up loan can be increased to up to 100% of the invest­ment amount. The interest rates for the Start-up Loan 100 are in the lower range of the usual market rates.

For both models, there can be a liabi­li­ty exemp­ti­on of 70%. The appli­ca­ti­on for finan­cing must be submit­ted to the LfA via the borrower’s bank. The proces­sing time for the loan is between 6 and 12 weeks.

Here is an up-to-date overview of both Program­mes and their Condi­ti­ons.

The start-up loans are reali­sed from budgets of the Free State of Bavaria in coope­ra­ti­on with KfW Banken­grup­pe and LfA Förder­bank Bayern.

For the Memmin­gen-based manage­ment consul­tant specia­li­sing in business succes­si­ons Norbert Lang these subsi­dies provi­de a signi­fi­cant impetus for the genera­tio­nal change in Bavari­an family businesses: “This provi­des compa­ny succes­sors with essen­ti­al assis­tance in struc­tu­ring their finan­cing,” he adds: “Now it’s just a matter of finding the right compa­ny for the succes­sor. He adds: “Now it’s just a matter of finding the right compa­ny for the succes­sor. As specia­lists, we are happy to take on this search.”

His Munich colle­ague Holger Haber­mann points out that when apply­ing for these subsi­dies, start-ups and business succes­sors should go to great lengths to prepa­re a business plan that comple­ments the appli­ca­ti­on: “Clean finan­cing documents must also be submit­ted for publicly subsi­di­sed finan­cing. Similar high standards apply here as with pure bank financing.”