Das Entscheider Seminar zur persönlichen Vorbereitung einer Unternehmensnachfolge

Script Genera­ti­on Change - 4 Genera­ti­on change - Step 1.2

Your family, trans­fer­or and trans­fe­ree, then develop your perso­nal succes­si­on roadmap together with us. Which topics and tasks should be dealt with in which order in the upcoming process? Do we also need the exper­ti­se of tax experts or lawyers at certain points?

We show you how the process can be conti­nuous­ly develo­ped and adapt­ed. This “script” is then the basis for the next steps.


Important! As neutral compa­n­ions, we feel commit­ted to the goal of the family and enterprise.

We pay close atten­ti­on to the contents entrus­ted to us and only possi­bly repro­du­ce them within the persons concer­ned if you express­ly autho­ri­se us to do so. The contents of the perso­nal one-on-one conver­sa­ti­on in the process are there­fo­re always 100% protec­ted and are subject to confi­den­tia­li­ty from our self-image.