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Indivi­du­al concepts - 5 Genera­ti­on change - Step 1.3

There is no “blueprint” for a genera­tio­nal change in a family business accor­ding to which we would proceed. Within the frame­work of the analy­sis and indivi­du­al discus­sions, a pictu­re emerges for us of the possi­ble proces­ses and sensi­ble inter­ven­ti­ons for a successful genera­tio­nal change process in your family.

We discuss these options and ideas openly with you. We are also happy to make recom­men­da­ti­ons based on our experi­ence. You then decide on the sequence and imple­men­ta­ti­on of the possi­ble steps. You can inter­rupt the process at any time.