Flipchart Scetch in grau und orange zur Erklärung von "Mediation"

The process of media­ti­on - 5 Media­ti­on - Step 1.3

The struc­tu­re of a media­ti­on consists of:


+ clari­fi­ca­ti­on of the manda­te (client, locati­on, scope, finan­ces, parti­ci­pan­ts, volun­t­a­ri­ne­ss and, if neces­sa­ry, also inclu­ding indivi­du­al analy­ses before the procedure).


+ prepa­ra­ti­on (organi­sa­ti­on of space, frame­work condi­ti­ons, struc­tu­re of content)


+ the intro­duc­tion (proce­du­re, time, rules of the game, tasks, process?)


+ clari­fi­ca­ti­on of the views of all stake­hol­ders, trans­la­ti­on work, develo­p­ment of focal points or bundling of topics


+ of conflict eluci­da­ti­on and deepe­ning (very important)


+ the problem-solving phase incl. possi­ble agreements


+ the goal: a joint­ly formu­la­ted soluti­on incl. logging