Eine ältere Dame und ein älterer Herr halten sich beim Cardio fit

Fitness check - Step 1.5

Optio­nal­ly, we start with a joint fitness check on the salea­bi­li­ty or trans­fera­bi­li­ty of your business (separa­te offer if necessary).
With over 300 questi­ons, you will recei­ve an in-depth analy­sis of your ACTUAL situa­ti­on and we will review the status quo with you in the areas of planning and prepa­ra­ti­on, provi­si­on and asset situa­ti­on, succes­si­on options, and law,
Taxes and business administration.

Exten­ded you will recei­ve an assess­ment from us
to the value of your compa­ny and to the possi­ble market price.

A proto­col gives you the basis for assessing
of your compa­ny fitness in matters of business succession.
If you wish, you can also recei­ve concre­te recom­men­da­ti­ons for possi­ble actions.