Eine Hand hält eine alte analoge Stoppuhr in der Hand. Der Stopper steht auf 25s

Time frame - 9 Genera­ti­on change - Step 3.1

A final note on the time requi­red for a genera­tio­nal change process: You decide at your own pace and your speci­fic concerns how quick­ly and how inten­si­ve­ly you want us to accom­pa­ny you.

Are there any concre­te indivi­du­al measu­res that are to be implemented?

Is multi-year monito­ring with longer inter­vals desired?

Or do you only need acute support on a speci­fic topic?

Whate­ver the poten­ti­al need on your part, we agree the time commit­ment with you in advan­ce and can readjust this at any time accor­ding to your wishes.

And when it comes to TIME, there are no fixed guide­lines or rules. This is decided exclu­si­ve­ly by the trans­fer­or and trans­fe­ree or the family.