Herausforderungen für Unternehmensnachfolgen wachsen

Estab­lish connec­tion - 10 Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on - Step 3.2

Depen­ding on the proce­du­re or speci­fi­ca­ti­ons of the seller, we exami­ne the offered compa­ny together with you. We analy­se a possi­ble offer exposé, questi­on a compa­ny valua­ti­on or purcha­se price demand. We prepa­re you for meetings with the sellers and, if desired, modera­te the first meeting. In this phase there are a varie­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties for in-depth exchan­ge and with our experi­ence we ensure that you feel compe­tent­ly accom­pa­nied at every moment of this exami­na­ti­on phase.