Geschäftsleute an einem Tisch halten Puzzleteile aus weißem Papier zueinander

The preli­mi­na­ry contract - LoI - 11 Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on - Step 3.3

In the course of an invest­ment process (due to the immense varie­ty of possi­ble strate­gies and options, we will only descri­be the further proce­du­re in general terms at this point), it is now neces­sa­ry to check which offer you want to exami­ne in depth and which offer should be bindin­gly secured by a preli­mi­na­ry contract (letter of intent / LoI). Depen­ding on the number of offers and the dynamics on the seller’s side, this step can quick­ly take weeks or months. The LoI (Letter of Intent) is not strict­ly legal­ly binding but commits both sides to a common clari­ty in the inten­ded transac­tion. At this point, both sides are commit­ted to negotia­ting the subse­quent frame­work condi­ti­ons of a purcha­se agreement.