Eine Hand hakt Punkte einer Liste mit Häkchen ab

Contents of a LoI - 12 Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on - Step 3.4

We recom­mend negotia­ting the Letter of Intent / LoI in detail and thus estab­li­shing joint clari­ty for the subse­quent purcha­se contract. This helps to prevent misun­derstan­dings and to make the process safer on the decisi­ve metres.


The follo­wing is an excerpt of the possi­ble compon­ents: Designa­ti­on of the contrac­ting parties (incl. the possi­ble compa­ny form), expres­si­on of interest in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the designa­ted transac­tion, summa­ry of previous discus­sion results, concre­ti­sa­ti­on of the transac­tion project (what will be sold and how), price defini­ti­on (if appli­ca­ble, plus perfor­mance-related provi­si­ons, consul­tancy or employ­ment contracts and remune­ra­ti­on), concre­te timeta­ble (preli­mi­na­ry DD, imple­men­ta­ti­on DD, contract discus­sion, takeover/transfer), granting of power of attor­ney in favour of a party exami­ning the object of purcha­se (e.g. within the scope of a due diligence), presen­ta­ti­on of the finan­cing struc­tu­re of the buyer (bank confir­ma­ti­ons, inves­tor presen­ta­ti­on, etc.), time limits, condi­ti­ons, reser­va­tions, condi­ti­ons of use, condi­ti­ons for the purcha­se of the object of purcha­se (e.g. within the scope of a due diligence). (e.g. due diligence), presen­ta­ti­on of the buyer’s finan­cing struc­tu­re (bank confir­ma­ti­ons, inves­tor presen­ta­ti­on, etc.), time limits, condi­ti­ons and reser­va­tions, confi­den­tia­li­ty obliga­ti­on with regard to the infor­ma­ti­on recei­ved, defini­ti­on of excep­ti­ons, sanctions in the event of non-compli­ance (contrac­tu­al penal­ty), claim for surren­der or destruc­tion of documents recei­ved, reference to the lack of binding effect of the LoI, reasons for termi­na­ti­on of the ongoing negotia­ti­ons and arran­ge­ments for reimbur­se­ment of expenses.