Bild eines blauen Aktenorders mit der Aufschrift "Due Diligence"

So let him who commits himself for ever be tested - 13 Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on - Step 3.5

To ensure that you actual­ly recei­ve what a seller has promi­sed you, due diligence usual­ly follows an LoI. Due diligence, abbre­via­ted to “dd”, careful­ly exami­nes and analy­ses the econo­mic, tax, legal and finan­cial circum­s­tances of a purcha­se project.

There are diffe­rent types of dd, the details of which we will be happy to discuss with you and prepa­re you profes­sio­nal­ly. Usual­ly, the buyer gives the seller a list of all relevant issues in advan­ce. These documents must then be presen­ted in analo­gue or virtu­al form for inspec­tion and exami­na­ti­on. Of course, we are prepared for these questi­on­n­aires and select the correct and relevant exami­na­ti­on questi­ons with you in advance.


In this step of the process, exter­nal experts from the fields of law and taxati­on are integra­ted for your securi­ty, so that a maximum of relia­bi­li­ty can be created for you for the upcoming transac­tion. Within the frame­work of the dd, there may be a number of detail­ed questi­ons that only arise from the review of the documents in the various areas. All proce­du­res are recor­ded and ideal­ly later also become part of the purcha­se contract. This way, both sides have verifia­ble documents as evidence in case of an eventuality.