Hundert und Fünfhundert Euroscheine mit Münzen auf einem Tisch

Final price negotia­ti­on - 14 Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on - Step 3.6

In the course of a dd, new aspects someti­mes arise in the risk assess­ment of the business model. Detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on emerges that you as a buyer may assess more criti­cal­ly than you were previous­ly able to on the basis of an exposé or the discus­sions. This can then be an important and justi­fied reason to reassess the previous­ly negotia­ted purcha­se price in the LoI. We are always at your side during these deman­ding and very important discus­sions and take over the modera­ti­on and also criti­cal questi­ons for the final evalua­ti­on of the invest­ment in questi­on. You always remain in a “good” relati­onship with the seller and trans­fer­or. In terms of a tacti­cal, clever approach, this is a point that should not be negle­c­ted and ensures the achie­ve­ment of your goal.