"Unser Experten Service" Schriftzug in weiß und gelb auf grünem Untergrund

No moss - no action - 15 Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on - Step 3.7

At the latest with the clari­ty of an LoI, we begin to discuss the finan­cing struc­tu­re of the negotia­ted frame­work condi­ti­ons with possi­ble finan­cial partners in paral­lel. Whether banks, savings banks or finan­cial inves­tors. There are plenty of finan­cing options for the acqui­si­ti­on of your dream compa­ny, inclu­ding attrac­ti­ve subsi­dies from public banks. We support you not only with our excel­lent network to all relevant banks and savings banks, but we also accom­pa­ny you in the prepa­ra­ti­on of the neces­sa­ry documents and the compi­la­ti­on of a business plan.

We also support poten­ti­al discus­sions with finan­cing partners to present your planned transac­tion. Thanks to our many years of exper­ti­se in the M&A market and a good reputa­ti­on as a leading consul­ting brand for business succes­si­on, perso­nal contacts and arguments someti­mes come into play convincingly.