Eine Nadel mit blauem Kopf im Heuhaufen steckend

Inter­na­tio­nal and/or natio­nal - 14 K.E.R.N. Market Value Check - Step 4.1

We contact the poten­ti­al buyers in writing and, if neces­sa­ry, by telepho­ne and trans­mit initi­al anony­mous data in the form of an exten­ded brief descrip­ti­on (teaser).

Exten­ded by indivi­du­al or telepho­ne interviews.

The target buyer groups must submit an initi­al, indica­ti­ve offer for their compa­ny by a speci­fied date. Anyone who is not interes­ted is then out of the anony­mous bidding process at this point.