Berater mit einer Kundin bei der Vertragsunterzeichnung

The contract of sale - 17 Compa­ny acqui­si­ti­on - Step 4.1

You are now close to the goal: The final purcha­se agree­ment is drawn up and negotia­ted on the basis of the alrea­dy signed LoI. It is possi­ble that findings from the due diligence process will also be included.

In the purcha­se contract it is now important to pay atten­ti­on to detail. We recom­mend that you choose one of our experi­en­ced regio­nal legal experts (often with a high level of tax exper­ti­se) and then draft the first draft together. We express­ly advise you to have the draft drawn up by you as the inves­tor, as it will then be easier to address your most important concerns in terms of content and drafting. This draft will then be the basis for the final negotia­ti­ons with the seller. As is so often the case, the devil is in the detail when it comes to such a compre­hen­si­ve set of contracts. Depen­ding on the type of compa­ny, a notary is manda­to­ry or can be chosen.

Our urgent recom­men­da­ti­on: Never do such transac­tions verbal­ly and never without profes­sio­nal help from experi­en­ced (!) M&A advisors.