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The analy­sis - 3 Compa­ny purcha­se ? The start of our cooperation 

You explain and outline your desired compa­ny to us. The indus­try, the specia­li­ties, the size, the business model and the possi­ble region as well as the frame­work of your invest­ment volume. Regard­less of whether you are an MBI and an indivi­du­al looking at the Dream as a future entre­pre­neur want to fulfil. Want to grow inorga­ni­cal­ly as a strate­gic inves­tor or are looking for interes­t­ing options as a finan­cial inves­tor. If you wish, we can check possi­ble subsi­dies for your project through experts.. The funding landscape changes every year and varies from state to state. The natio­nal diffe­ren­ces between Germa­ny, Austria and Switz­er­land must also be taken into account.