KERN Unternehmensnachfolge Anwalt

What to look for in a business succes­si­on lawyer?

Business succes­si­on is a complex process that requi­res careful planning and expert advice. This artic­le looks at diffe­rent scena­ri­os for business succes­si­on and highlights the importance of adviso­ry services in this process.

Whether it is for finan­cial reasons, retire­ment of the entre­pre­neur, gift, inheri­tance, sale of the business or speci­fic indus­tries such as agricul­tu­re, an experi­en­ced advisor as well as a business succes­si­on lawyer can ease the transi­ti­on and contri­bu­te to long-term success.

Learn in this article

Compa­ny succes­si­on a complex process

Reasons for business succession

Consul­ting services for business succession

Compa­ny succes­si­on by gift

Compa­ny succes­si­on through inheritance

Compa­ny succes­si­on for a new phase of life in retirement

Handing over the compa­ny to the employees, compa­ny in respon­si­ble ownership

Alter­na­ti­ve to compa­ny succes­si­on through compa­ny sale

Sale of the compa­ny by way of a share deal or asset deal

Compa­ny succes­si­on in agriculture

Succes­si­on with family compa­nies and family foundations


Compa­ny succes­si­on is a complex process

Compa­ny succes­si­on is a step of crucial importance for every compa­ny and its share­hol­ders or owners.… It is a complex process that requi­res careful planning and, most important­ly, legal exper­ti­se. There are numerous aspects to consider, from tax and finan­cial matters to legal obliga­ti­ons and strate­gic decisions.

One major reason why business succes­si­on is so complex is the large number of parties invol­ved. Often, not only the interests of the owner and poten­ti­al succes­sor have to be taken into account, but also the interests of employees, custo­mers, business partners and even the family of the entrepreneur.

Each of these parties may have diffe­rent expec­ta­ti­ons and needs that need to be incor­po­ra­ted into the succes­si­on plan.

Another factor that increa­ses comple­xi­ty is the legal and regula­to­ry requi­re­ments. There are certain legal requi­re­ments that have to be obser­ved in business succes­si­on, such as tax regula­ti­ons, contracts and possi­ble liabi­li­ty issues.

Without sound legal knowledge and experi­ence in the field of business succes­si­on, important legal aspects can be overloo­ked, which can lead to undesi­ra­ble consequences.

This is exact­ly where lawyers for business succes­si­on and M&A come into play. A Lawyerwho specia­li­ses in this parti­cu­lar area of law, brings the neces­sa­ry exper­ti­se and experi­ence to accom­pa­ny the complex process of business succession.

These specia­li­sed lawyers can carry out compre­hen­si­ve legal due diligence to ensure that all relevant legal aspects are taken into account. In additi­on, they can assist in negotia­ti­ons and contrac­ting and ensure that the interests of all parties invol­ved are adequa­te­ly represented.

Specia­list business succes­si­on lawyers can also be a valuable resour­ce in identi­fy­ing poten­ti­al risks and challenges and proac­tively develo­ping soluti­ons. Through their knowledge of current laws and best practi­ces, they can identi­fy poten­ti­al stumb­ling blocks and develop strate­gies to avoid or mitiga­te them.

CTA Anwalt für Unternehmensnachfolge

In additi­on to legal exper­ti­se, a lawyer also brings a network of profes­sio­nals who can assist with business succes­si­on, such as tax advisors, finan­cial experts and business valuers. This network can provi­de valuable resour­ces and help the process run smoothly.

Overall, business succes­si­on is a multi-layered process that requi­res careful planning and profes­sio­nal support. A Specia­list lawyer for business succes­si­on is essen­ti­al to ensure that all legal aspects are conside­red, poten­ti­al risks are minimi­sed and a smooth transi­ti­on is guaran­teed. With the support of a lawyer, businesses can manage the comple­xi­ty of succes­si­on while incre­asing their long-term stabi­li­ty and likeli­hood of success.

Reasons for business succession

The decis­i­on to hand over a business can be made for various reasons. This section takes a closer look at two common motives for business succes­si­on: finan­cial reasons and the retire­ment of the entrepreneur.

Hando­ver of the compa­ny for finan­cial reasons

An important reason for business succes­si­on is the finan­cial situa­ti­on of the business. It may happen that the current owner is no longer able or willing to support the business suffi­ci­ent­ly finan­ci­al­ly. In such cases, handing over the business to a succes­sor can be a sensi­ble option to ensure the finan­cial stabi­li­ty of the business.

A business succes­si­on offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to bring fresh capital and new ideas into the compa­ny. A poten­ti­al succes­sor who has the neces­sa­ry finan­cial resour­ces can develop the compa­ny further, invest and open up new business oppor­tu­ni­ties. This keeps the compa­ny compe­ti­ti­ve in the long term and allows it to reali­se its full potential.

Further­mo­re, the trans­fer of the business for finan­cial reasons can also serve to secure the perso­nal finan­cial interests of the current owner. This may be the case, for examp­le, if the owner wishes to retire and achie­ve finan­cial securi­ty for the future by selling the business.

Hando­ver of the compa­ny due to retirement

Another common reason for a business succes­si­on is the retire­ment of the entre­pre­neur. After years of hard work and running the business, the owner wants to retire and place the respon­si­bi­li­ty for the business in the hands of a suita­ble successor.

Handing over the business due to retire­ment requi­res careful planning and prepa­ra­ti­on. Not only must suita­ble succes­sor candi­da­tes be identi­fied, but a smooth transi­ti­on process must also be ensured. This includes trans­fer­ring business relati­onships, defining respon­si­bi­li­ties and integra­ting the succes­sor into the compa­ny culture.

A well-planned transi­ti­on into retire­ment enables the owner to know that his life’s work is in good hands and to enjoy a well-deser­ved rest. At the same time, the succes­sor can benefit from the experi­ence and exper­ti­se of the outgo­ing owner and successful­ly conti­nue the business.

Consul­ting services for business succession

Compa­ny succes­si­on is a decisi­ve step in the develo­p­ment of a compa­ny. Careful planning and expert advice are essen­ti­al to ensure a smooth transition.


Compa­ny succes­si­on by gift

Business succes­si­on by gift is an attrac­ti­ve option for trans­fer­ring a business to the next genera­ti­on. Through gifting, assets and entre­pre­neu­ri­al respon­si­bi­li­ty can be passed on without a direct purcha­se price.

This enables the trans­fer­or to place his compa­ny in trust­wor­t­hy hands and at the same time to secure his succes­si­on in the long term. The trans­fe­ree is given the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take over an alrea­dy estab­lished compa­ny without having to raise finan­cial resources.

Business succes­si­on by gift can thus create a win-win situa­ti­on for both parties and enable a smooth transition.

Compa­ny succes­si­on through inheritance

The Business succes­si­on by inheri­tance is a way of passing a business from one genera­ti­on to the next. In the event of the death of the owner of the business, the business is trans­fer­red to the heirs in accordance with the law.

This transi­ti­on can bring both challenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties. The heirs assume respon­si­bi­li­ty for the business, inclu­ding assets, liabi­li­ties and ongoing opera­ti­ons. It is important that the heirs are aware of the tasks and respon­si­bi­li­ties that come with taking over the business.

Careful planning and commu­ni­ca­ti­on within the family as well as knowledge of the legal frame­work are crucial to ensure a smooth transi­ti­on and to ensure the success of the business in the next generation.

Business succes­si­on by inheri­tance contract or will

An inheri­tance contract or a will are legal instru­ments that can be used to regula­te the succes­si­on of a business. In such cases, it is of great importance that the corre­spon­ding documents are clear­ly formu­la­ted and cover all relevant aspects of succes­si­on. Parti­cu­lar­ly important: the will and artic­les of associa­ti­on must be perfect­ly and current­ly synchro­nis­ed, other­wi­se there is a risk of weigh­ty problems, becau­se compa­ny law takes prece­dence over inheri­tance law. Quali­fied advice can help to meet the legal requi­re­ments and elimi­na­te possi­ble uncertainties.

Die Unternehmensnachfolge ist ein komplexer Prozess

Compa­ny succes­si­on for a new phase of life in retirement

Succes­si­on due to retire­ment is an important step for entre­pre­neurs who want to retire from active business. With retire­ment comes the questi­on of who will conti­nue to run the compa­ny and how to ensure a smooth transition.

It is crucial to make a succes­si­on plan in good time to ensure the conti­nui­ty of the compa­ny and to imple­ment one’s own life plans. Various factors play a role here, such as the identi­fi­ca­ti­on and selec­tion of a suita­ble succes­sor as well as the planning and organi­sa­ti­on of the hando­ver process.

Careful prepa­ra­ti­on and the timely initia­ti­on of business succes­si­on enable the entre­pre­neur to enjoy his retire­ment and at the same time secure the future of the company.

Handing over the compa­ny to the employees, compa­ny in respon­si­ble ownership

Handing over a compa­ny to the employees, also known as respon­si­ble owner­ship, is a form of business succes­si­on in which the employees take control and owner­ship of the compa­ny. The aim is to ensure business conti­nui­ty and offer employees a long-term perspective.

This type of hando­ver gives employees the oppor­tu­ni­ty to actively parti­ci­pa­te in the company’s success and to make strate­gic decis­i­ons together. This not only promo­tes employee identi­fi­ca­ti­on and motiva­ti­on, but also streng­thens the sense of respon­si­bi­li­ty and loyal­ty to the company.

Respon­si­ble owner­ship compa­nies are usual­ly charac­te­ri­sed by a coope­ra­ti­ve corpo­ra­te cultu­re where shared values and goals are central and decis­i­ons are made in a parti­ci­pa­to­ry manner.

Alter­na­ti­ve to compa­ny succes­si­on through compa­ny sale

Business succes­si­on by gift offers an attrac­ti­ve alter­na­ti­ve to the conven­tio­nal sale of a compa­ny. Instead of offering the business on the market and looking for poten­ti­al buyers, the owner can trans­fer it as a gift to a suita­ble person.

This approach has the advan­ta­ge that no purcha­se price has to be agreed, which brings finan­cial advan­ta­ges for both the trans­fer­or and the trans­fe­ree. Nevert­hel­ess, a gift must also be taxed. The gift enables a seamless and conti­nuous conti­nua­tion of the business, as the trans­fe­ree may alrea­dy be famili­ar with the inter­nal proces­ses and the goals of the business.

This alter­na­ti­ve form of business succes­si­on can be a good option to ensure the conti­nui­ty of the business and a successful handover.

Sale of the compa­ny by way of a share deal or asset deal

The sale of a compa­ny can take place in various ways, with the share deal and the asset deal being two common options.

In a share deal, the entire compa­ny is trans­fer­red by selling the shares in the compa­ny, where­as in an asset deal, indivi­du­al assets and/or liabi­li­ties of the compa­ny are transferred.

The choice between these two options depends on various factors, such as tax impli­ca­ti­ons, liabi­li­ty risks and the prefe­rence of the seller. A sound knowledge of the legal and finan­cial aspects of these transac­tion types is crucial to ensure a successful sale of the business.

Compa­ny succes­si­on in agriculture

Succes­si­on planning in agricul­tu­re is a parti­cu­lar chall­enge, as emotio­nal and family dynamics have to be taken into account in additi­on to business and legal aspects.

When trans­fer­ring a farm to the next genera­ti­on, it is important to consider both farming exper­ti­se and family relati­onships. Compre­hen­si­ve succes­si­on planning can ensure that the farm is handed over smooth­ly and that econo­mic stabi­li­ty and agricul­tu­ral tradi­ti­on are maintained.

Various instru­ments, such as farm trans­fer agree­ments, partner­ship agree­ments or wills, can be used to ensure the successful trans­fer of the agricul­tu­ral enterprise.

Succes­si­on with family compa­nies and family foundations

Family compa­nies and family founda­ti­ons offer oppor­tu­ni­ties to regula­te business succes­si­on in a family and at the same time control family dynamics and asset management.

By setting up a family compa­ny or a family founda­ti­on, the assets and control of the business can remain within the family while making clear arran­ge­ments for succes­si­on. Profes­sio­nal advice on the estab­lish­ment and opera­ti­on of these struc­tures can ensure that the family’s indivi­du­al goals and needs are taken into account and that long-term stabi­li­ty and conti­nui­ty are guaranteed.

Succes­si­on with family compa­nies and family founda­ti­ons requi­res careful planning and coordi­na­ti­on with the legal and tax frame­work to ensure the success of the business and harmo­ny within the family.


Business succes­si­on is a complex process that requi­res careful planning and expert advice. A business succes­si­on lawyer is invaluable in clari­fy­ing the legal aspects, minimi­sing risks and appro­pria­te­ly conside­ring the interests of all parties involved.

With his network of profes­sio­nals, a lawyer can provi­de holistic support and ensure the smooth transi­ti­on of the business. Close coope­ra­ti­on between the lawyer and other experts, such as the tax advisor, maximi­ses the chances of success for the succes­sor and the company.

Profes­sio­nal advice and compre­hen­si­ve planning increase the long-term stabi­li­ty and success of the business and ensure that the inheri­tance is in good hands.

Frequent­ly asked questions

Who advises on business succes­si­on?

Various experts can provi­de advice on business succes­si­on, inclu­ding specia­li­sed lawyers for business succes­si­on as well as M&A, tax advisors, manage­ment consul­tants and auditors. They support the entre­pre­neur in planning and imple­men­ting the succes­si­on process.

How do I hand over my business?

The way in which a business is handed over depends on the indivi­du­al circum­s­tances. Possi­ble options include trans­fer by gift, sale, inheri­tance or handing over to employees. Careful planning and advice are crucial to find the best way for the speci­fic situation.

What needs to be taken into account in business succes­si­on?

There are numerous aspects to consider when handing over a business, inclu­ding legal and tax issues, the finan­cial securi­ty of the business owner, the selec­tion of a suita­ble succes­sor and long-term succes­si­on planning. Profes­sio­nal advice is important to minimi­se poten­ti­al risks and ensure a successful transition.

Is it possi­ble to take over an existing limit­ed liabi­li­ty compa­ny?

Yes, it is possi­ble to take over an existing GmbH. This can be done either by purcha­sing shares in the GmbH or by acqui­ring the entire compa­ny as part of a share deal or asset deal. Legal, tax and finan­cial aspects must be taken into account to ensure a smooth transition.