Skyline von Frankfurt hinter Schrift: 100.000 Unternehmensnachfolger gesucht

Compa­ny succes­si­ons in Hesse are becoming more explosive

Of 236,000 compa­ny owners who are alrea­dy seeking a business succes­si­on this year and next year, 100,000 have not yet found a succes­sor or have not even started looking for one. The situa­ti­on of business succes­si­on in Hesse is more proble­ma­tic than in the federal govern­ment. This is the sobering conclu­si­on of the current SME Panel of the promo­tio­nal bank KfW.

More business succes­si­ons in Hesse than the natio­nal average

Appro­xi­m­ate­ly 17 percent of medium-sized entre­pre­neurs are aiming for business succes­si­on in Hessen in the next three years. Of the Hessi­an compa­ny owners, 38% are older than 55. For both key figures, the situa­ti­on in Hessen is more explo­si­ve than in the federal govern­ment. This also shows that the succes­si­on problem in owner-managed SMEs is rapidly coming to a head in Hessen.

Perple­xi­ty in the search for a successor

The incre­asing tenden­cy of many compa­ny owners to consider shutting down their business for lack of a suita­ble succes­sor appears parti­cu­lar­ly proble­ma­tic: accor­ding to the KfW study, one in five entre­pre­neurs is pursuing such thoughts. While the genera­ti­on change within the family remains the most popular, alter­na­ti­ve succes­si­on soluti­ons are only conside­red by 2 out of 10 compa­ny owners.

Access to quali­fied succes­sors crucial

But even if there is a willing­ness to look for a succes­sor outside the family, many entre­pre­neurs fail in the task of finding and approa­ching quali­fied and suita­ble succes­sors. Without outside help - for examp­le from experi­en­ced succes­si­on advisors - precious time is lost and it is not uncom­mon for the half-hearted search for a succes­sor to end in vain.

Invol­ving a succes­si­on advisor can speed up the search considerably

When selec­ting an advisor, compa­ny owners should make absolut­e­ly sure that the advisor has very good access to top succes­sors and does not have to start a lengthy search process first. Experi­en­ced succes­si­on advisors know which serious candi­da­tes are current­ly looking for compa­nies and can thus quick­ly approach suita­ble candidates.

Tips for further reading:

5 crite­ria for choosing the right compa­ny for a business succession

The costs of a business succes­si­on or an M&A project

How do you recog­ni­se a reputa­ble business sale advisor?

Which compa­ny exchan­ges are suita­ble for the search?

Targe­ted balan­ce sheet adjus­t­ment can increase enter­pri­se value

Comment: Unresol­ved compa­ny succes­si­ons endan­ger our prosperity

Compa­ny succes­si­on in times of digitalisation


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