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Compa­ny sale valua­ti­on: This method is always worthwhile!

There are many diffe­rent methods for the compa­ny sale valua­ti­on. But which is the right one? 

There is the valua­ti­on accor­ding to a rule of thumb or also the valua­ti­on accor­ding to the multi­pli­er method and the discoun­ted cash flow method. However, we would like to look at the Earnings value-orien­ted compa­ny valua­ti­on for the sale of a compa­ny take a closer look and see why it can be parti­cu­lar­ly attrac­ti­ve, becau­se it is carri­ed out for many business succes­si­ons. Whether for the deter­mi­na­ti­on of the business share in the estate, for tax calcu­la­ti­on or for the prepa­ra­ti­on of a compa­ny sale: Business valua­tions based on capita­li­sed earnings value are someti­mes not only absolut­e­ly neces­sa­ry, but also provi­de relia­ble infor­ma­ti­on on the value of the compa­ny for both buyer and seller.

Five reasons why the compa­ny sale valua­ti­on accor­ding to the capita­li­sed earnings method is worthwhile:

1. they provi­de clari­ty ? becau­se enter­pri­se value is not the same as purcha­se price

Can you give a concre­te answer to the questi­on about the enter­pri­se value of your compa­ny? If so, congra­tu­la­ti­ons on your comfor­ta­ble positi­on. In our daily work as M&A advisors, we often experi­ence the opposi­te. Only a few entre­pre­neurs answer with an amount, which then often turns out to be a sales price expec­ta­ti­on. Even seaso­ned compa­ny owners become uncer­tain when answe­ring this questi­on. The most common answer is: ‘The sum of all assets plus X amount’.

On the other hand, however, for most corpo­ra­te buyers the only thing that deter­mi­nes their decis­i­on is the future trans­fera­ble income value the value of a compa­ny. The purcha­se price itself repres­ents the real value of the compa­ny in very few cases, but reflects the value that a buyer wants to pay at the moment of trans­fer of ownership.

2. multi­pli­er method comple­tes capita­li­sed earnings method

Family-run SMEs often resort to so-called multi­ples when deter­mi­ning the value of a compa­ny. In this method, the enter­pri­se value is derived from prices paid in transac­tions of compa­ra­ble compa­nies in an indus­try with a turno­ver of 50 milli­on euros or more. It is assumed that conclu­si­ons can be drawn about the value of the compa­ny in questi­on from obser­va­ble market prices of compa­ra­ble companies.

For a initi­al assess­ment this approach helps. We at KERN compa­ny succes­si­on have with the free online Compa­ny value calcu­la­tor develo­ped our own tool that helps you to under­stand the Calcu­la­te enter­pri­se value and which provi­des you with an initi­al orientation.


However, both proce­du­res do not replace an indivi­du­al­ly created Business valua­ti­on. The multi­pli­er method is often used for the valua­ti­on of much larger and more trans­pa­rent compa­nies. Moreo­ver, it rarely takes into account changes in the environ­ment, special and one-off effects and expec­ta­ti­ons that influence the value of the company.

Assess­ment proce­du­res are snapshots

The multi­pli­er approach is more of a supple­men­ta­ry method for obtai­ning indica­ti­ons of the value of a compa­ny, but also for making compa­ny values plausi­ble on the basis of earnings value-orien­ted methods. This only appli­es if the multi­ples have been careful­ly selec­ted. Only then are compa­ny-speci­fic diffe­ren­ces, such as diffe­rent profi­ta­bi­li­ty or finan­cing struc­tures, captu­red as fully as possi­ble. Conse­quent­ly, a strin­gent imple­men­ta­ti­on of the multi­pli­er approach requi­res a very inten­si­ve exami­na­ti­on of the valua­ti­on object, the compa­ra­ble compa­nies and the industry.

3. a good compa­ny valua­ti­on for the sale streng­thens the negotia­ting position

A well prepared Business valua­ti­on on the other hand, prepa­res the entrepreneur’s negotia­ting positi­on. It informs the seller in detail about the current earning value of his compa­ny and the essen­ti­al current factors influen­cing the company’s develo­p­ment. As a result, he is ideal­ly prepared for later negotia­ti­ons. At the same time, it is a solid and important basis for subse­quent Due Diligence or finan­cing discus­sions of the acquirer.

In practi­ce, the capita­li­sed earnings value method accor­ding to the IDW S 1 standard (Insti­tu­te of Public Auditors in Germa­ny) and the discoun­ted cash flow method (DCF method) have become the two methods of calcu­la­ting the capita­li­sed earnings value. Calcu­la­te enter­pri­se value estab­lished. The income capita­li­sa­ti­on approach, which is widely used in German-speaking count­ries, is, like the DCF method, equal­ly accept­ed by the autho­ri­ties, banks, tax advisors, etc. Further­mo­re, the discoun­ted cash flow method is also a Inter­na­tio­nal­ly accept­ed standard.

4. reali­stic plans for the future provi­de argumen­ta­ti­on aids

The multi­pli­er method is prima­ri­ly based on the results of the past three years, adjus­ted for one-off and special effects or tax saving models, when deter­mi­ning the enter­pri­se value. The capita­li­sed earnings value method is prima­ri­ly based on the expec­ted results in the future and is thus absolut­e­ly future-orien­ted. Past values are used more as a check on planning. As valua­ti­on specia­lists, we recom­mend that especi­al­ly the progno­sis should be conser­va­ti­veA sudden increase in turno­ver or a rapid decrease in costs must be justi­fied in a compre­hen­si­ble way.

It should be empha­sis­ed that the results are not least of a Assess­ment that is as objec­ti­ve as possi­ble of the company’s future surplu­s­es and a reali­stic risk assess­ment. For the majori­ty of family businesses, an indivi­du­al­ly develo­ped risk assess­ment is recom­men­ded instead of apply­ing the lower risk multi­ples of listed companies.

5. well-founded compa­ny valua­ti­on reduces the finan­cial burden on successors

A factual­ly correct business valua­ti­on promo­tes the entrepreneur’s engage­ment with the future develo­p­ment of his compa­ny. When prepa­ring a compa­ny valua­ti­on, it is important to consult specia­li­sed experts, reputa­ble M&A advisor is advisa­ble. By criti­cal­ly exami­ning the infor­ma­ti­on provi­ded, the exter­nal specia­lists ensure that a compa­ny valua­ti­on can be turned into a Purcha­se price expec­ta­ti­on enforceable on the market is deriva­ble. At the same time, a well-founded compa­ny sale valua­ti­on allows the Compa­ny sale prepa­re optimally.

Further­mo­re, the tax office usual­ly accepts a conclu­si­ve valua­ti­on report as an alter­na­ti­ve to the one in the §199 of the Valua­ti­on Act (BewG) defined proce­du­res. As a result, this often leads to a lower tax burden or lower settle­ment sums vis-à-vis co-heirs. The finan­cial burden on the compa­nies to be trans­fer­red is reduced.


Image: Pixabay/athree23

TIPS for further reading:

What increa­ses the value of the company?

Deter­mi­ne the compa­ny value online free of charge

Hard & soft factors in business valuation

3 reasons why infla­ted compa­ny valua­tions prevent successions
