Unternehmensverkauf: Vertrauen haben - Vertrauen schenken

Selling a compa­ny: Have confi­dence - give confidence

Selling a business is a matter of trust. All of life, whether in a priva­te context or in entre­pre­neu­ri­al activi­ty, is ultim­ate­ly based on trust. Without trust and faith in reason, human coexis­tence and activi­ty is unthinkable. The every­day and rather ordina­ry examp­le of crossing a traffic light can illus­tra­te this. I would like to take you with me on a little walk?

An every­day example: 

We walk side by side and approach a busy inter­sec­tion. The well-coordi­na­ted traffic light system regula­tes the hustle and bustle of the traffic. We stop on one side of the road and alrea­dy have the desti­na­ti­on on the opposi­te road firmly in sight. With a spiri­ted push of a large yellow switch, you signal the system that you now want to cross the road. We are engros­sed in conver­sa­ti­on and I draw your atten­ti­on to the fact that the pedestri­an lights have turned green. We can start walking. Quite natural­ly and unagi­ta­ted­ly, we walk past the humming and roaring engines of the cars that stop before the red traffic lights. There is no saving wall between the rolling tin cars and us passers-by! And yet we belie­ve that we will reach the other side of the road unhar­med and as a matter of course. And so it is: we have reached our desti­na­ti­on and are walking on safe paths.

Basics webinar presen­ted by Nils Koerber

Compa­ny sale (M&A) without risk and loss of value

This pictu­re shows that we have faith in proven techno­lo­gy. At the same time, we have confi­dence in the people who move with us on the traffic areas. Becau­se they also know the techno­lo­gy and abide by the rules. We have confi­dence and we give confi­dence. Without trust, there is no way, not even in the sale of a company!

What does this every­day examp­le have in common with a compa­ny sale?

The image of the busy road is meant to symbo­li­se the market of finan­cial inves­tors and prospec­ti­ve buyers. Some drive at high speed and show little conside­ra­ti­on for other road users. The well-functio­ning traffic light system, which regula­tes traffic and at the same time saves pedestri­ans from a life-threa­tening colli­si­on, is an image for our well-coordi­na­ted and compu­te­ri­sed network at the Compa­ny sale.

We KERN consul­tant can regula­te the busy traffic for you. In doing so, you decide when to cross the road and give us a signal accor­din­gly. We have techni­cal­ly support­ed process and analy­sis techno­lo­gy that enables us to identi­fy the right buyer for your compa­ny and save you from annoy­ing and dubio­us prospec­ti­ve buyers. We gently alert you to when the next steps need to be taken once you have made the decis­i­on to take a next step. As experi­en­ced succes­si­on specia­lists, we can guide you safely across the much-travel­led road of finan­cial inves­tors and prospec­ti­ve buyers and lead you to your goal of selling your business. The goal of the next phase of your life, in which you can take new paths.

Image: Fotolia.com

TIPS for further reading: 

Love is blind - even when buying a company?

Genera­tio­nal change - Genera­ti­on Y, not funny just different 

Compa­ny succes­si­on in Corona times becomes more challenging 

Selling your business - How to increase the value of your business!