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Which compa­ny exchan­ges are suita­ble for the search?

Compa­ny exchan­ges are an easy tool to bring compa­ny sellers and compa­ny buyers together. In part two of our series we take a look at the most important nation­wi­de compa­ny exchan­ges. There are a large number of compa­ny exchan­ges in Germa­ny with diffe­rent opera­tors. Basical­ly, three nation­wi­de exchan­ges can be recom­men­ded for compa­ny searches. In additi­on, many advisors have access to

Compa­ny exchan­ges support the purcha­se of companies

1st Nexxt Change Compa­ny Exchange

This program­me, run by KFW and the Federal Minis­try of Econo­mics and nexxt-change-Unter­neh­mens­bör­se is the largest exchan­ge of its kind in Germa­ny. This is becau­se most of the offers of other compa­ny exchan­ges in Germa­ny are also repea­ted here. The platform is the central business succes­si­on platform for IHKs, chambers of crafts, regio­nal business develo­p­ment agenci­es and banks.

Many unans­we­red requests on Nexxt-Change

On this platform, which is free of charge for trans­fe­rees and trans­fer­ors, most adver­ti­se­ments for compa­ny sales and compa­ny searches can be found. General­ly, there are more smaller commer­cial and trading enter­pri­ses as well as catering businesses than medium-sized and larger compa­nies. Due to the fact that the platform is free of charge, some offers are not always up to date. In practi­ce, it has been shown that a whole series of contacts to poten­ti­al business sellers remain unans­we­red. The background here is a widespread uncer­tain­ty on the part of compa­ny sellers as to how to deal with enqui­ries profes­sio­nal­ly. In this case, it is advisa­ble to call in a consul­tant, as he or she checks incoming enqui­ries from interes­ted parties like a filter for serious­ness, suita­bi­li­ty and, if appli­ca­ble, capital resour­ces. Only after this check does the consul­tant obtain clearance to pass on confi­den­ti­al infor­ma­ti­on from the seller.

2nd German Entre­pre­neur­ship Exchange

The German Enter­pri­se Exchan­ge is opera­ted by the Handels­blatt publi­shing group and is fee-based for sellers and buyers. There­fo­re, the offers are very up-to-date. As a result of the DUB, there are signi­fi­cant­ly more offers from SMEs and larger compa­nies. Special exchan­ges for tax consul­tants and enginee­ring firms round off the offer.

3. KERN stock exchan­ge as a “full-service” compa­ny stock exchange

The website run by K.E.R.N ? The Succes­si­on Specia­lists run Compa­ny exchan­ge is one of the few compa­ny exchan­ges with “full-service support” on the German Inter­net. This is becau­se this exchan­ge presents all exclu­si­ve­ly managed manda­tes of the manage­ment consul­tants active at over 20 locati­ons nation­wi­de. As a result, every offer for sale and every candi­da­te appli­ca­ti­on is checked by the consul­tants before being published. As a result, more than 3,500 MBIs, finan­cial inves­tors and strate­gic inves­tors are current­ly listed on this platform with their verified search profiles.

There are also a large number of other compa­ny exchan­ges, most of which have a strong regio­nal focus or a parti­cu­lar indus­try focus. Due to the small number of offers or their strong regio­nal focus, these compa­ny exchan­ges will not be discus­sed further here.

4. indus­try exchan­ges and matching platforms

In additi­on to the above-mentio­ned exchan­ges, there are a whole range of sector-speci­fic exchan­ges and matching platforms that can be used to address a large number of poten­ti­al buyers. These platforms, which are subject to a fee, are used by many profes­sio­nal advisors for business succes­si­on and are an essen­ti­al part of their service.

Click here for the other parts of this series:

Part 1: How a clear search profi­le facili­ta­tes the compa­ny search.

Part 2: Which compa­ny exchan­ges are suita­ble for the search?

Part 3: How can a consul­tant support a compa­ny search?

Part 4: How a direct approach speeds up the compa­ny search?